Mar 27, 2005 12:13
Hey everyone... i missed updating yesterday cause of travel time and such so here goes... heh my easter weekend well got home friday saw two friends of mine chilled in the hot tub woohoo.. then off to sat where i ran errands like woah stopped by ryans to pick up some flowers for easter umm grocery store walmart.. old navy and the mall to buy a new dress yeah so the dress fit but because i have to wear a dress i was thinking from now on GYM NAZI and then sat night a bunch of screaming kids (cousins) coloring eggs at my house fun fun fun.. but yeah then that ended i went to sleep ... woke up sunday got my easter basket from my parents and guess what IM GOING ON A CRUISE yay im excited but of course this means im going to be such a gym nazi its not even going to be funny.. gym everyday like woah.. cause im headed down to the cayamen islands and cazamel mexico woot woot... anyway that was exciting then i saw my little cousins and aunt again and then got on the ferry with molly to head home... i cant wait for warm weather i love summer!! Yeah so then there was today.. went to class took some stupid psych survey... yeah and now im here but the wierd thing is im such a clutz today i keep tripping or dropping things.. and im sick of the rain... WTF mate?