Aug 27, 2009 22:48
Okay, so an update on the Kittie concerts. The one in GR is on a Monday, but the one in Flint is on a Saturday (in late October) and Ashley said she'd go with me! I'm excited, I really hope I make it to this show. It's supposed to be $15 in advance, I'm not sure how much at the door. Hopefully I can make this work out, haha. I love Kittie a lot and I have yet to get to an actual rock concert, let alone a Kittie show. I have yet to see Linkin Park or Evanescence too, which I'm hoping I can work out next year when they both come out with new albums.
Also, in other depressing updates the State Fair is gonna be finito after this year. Governor Granholm is cutting funding for all the state fairs after this carnival season. It's so unfortunate! I really have to see if I can make it to the fair this time around if this is the last ride. I'm sure they'd reinstate it if we found some money from somewhere. Hopefully we will! Cambrey even said she's up for going this year 'cause she's in town and I'm all for her coming with us.
Anyway, I'm outta here y'all. It's on the late side and we're going in early tomorrow. Good night!