Aug 31, 2005 22:12
I became engaged to Steven Glasco!!!! I am so happy!! Yes I have a ring (it is a princess cut diamond solitair set in a white gold setting). We have yet to set a date, and prolly won't for a little while. We have some things to figure out and plan out.
I was able to go to karate class tonight. I asked to have this night off so I could attend regularly. But at the end of class Mr lyle announced our engagement to the do jang while we were shaking hands at the end of class (he asked if I had announced it yet first). I am really excited. I called my sister this morning to tell her and i told my parents and brother last night. Steve's family reunion is this weekend. It is his fathers' side. I am really really excited for that because I havn't met them all. I have met his grandparents, father, and a few aunts and uncles and their kids on his dads side, but I am excited to meet more. They do this every year and plan games and activities and such. It will be alot of fun.
On another note, I finished signing up for my classes today. I am taking a semester at Mott to defer my loans. I am taking: Pastry techniques-monday 4-8, a la carte dinner service-wed./thur. 11-2, & layout and design- Friday 11-1. All coming to equal 12 credits. And I just bought my books online. I saved a ton. My mom is also taking some classes. We went up together to take care of all the stuff we needed to do. I am really excited about these classes. Two had pre-recs that I shouldn't have been allowed to skip, but I am somehow. Hope there is nothing I really should know in them for these ones.
I still havn't heard about my raise I asked for about a week ago. Maybe it will show up on my next check. I would very much like that.
Ok can't think of much more to talk about. I am sure I will later, but the things I have talked about are the main things going thru my head.