Oh, boys.

Feb 21, 2008 22:17

Alright, guys, I might have a proper response post after I watch the episode one more time, cause I think my brain exploded and I can't remember all the awesome bits right now.

Is it because we're awesome? )

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lbmisscharlie February 22 2008, 16:32:49 UTC
You are a God amongst TV people.
Yes, yes he is. And a CPR scene would be fantastic, a totally innocent way to show some boy-on-boy action. Of which I have much love, of course.

Oh, I love the idea of silver eyes, that's pretty hot. But he should definitely have special eyes when he becomes the demon leader. :D That having been said, this: at least Sam-leading-the-demons-for-the-better-good is exactly what I want. I wouldn't mind a little of him leaning towards the dark side, but having Dean bring him back and be his consort as they send all their minions back to hell. Hehe.

And yes, Bella is the cuntiest bitch to ever walk the earth. She had better have a damn good back story to go with that "you don't know me at all" comment. Because she could just leave them alone, I don't get her need to continually send them to their deaths.


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lbmisscharlie February 23 2008, 00:47:39 UTC
She is quite twisted. Even though I don't like her, I'm definitely intrigued.

I think I like the consort idea, silly as it is, because Sam needs Dean around to both keep him in check and to make sure he doesn't take himself too seriously. Either that, or I like it because I'm secretly convinced Dean's totally the bottom in their relationship :D

Yes! The "we don't swing that way" comment made me laugh so, so hard. Like, does that mean you just don't share?


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lbmisscharlie February 23 2008, 02:48:56 UTC
But I think he can be pretty toppy from the bottom, and that makes Sam frustrated. It's one of Dean's special talents.
I can sooo see that. Dean being all bossy, and Sam having to get all forceful and...mmmm.

The fake accent makes me want to throw things at my screen. It's just unnecessary.


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lbmisscharlie February 23 2008, 03:01:40 UTC
Maybe the bad accent is part of the back story? Maybe she's really a back-woods girl from Appalachia and decided to run away and pretend to be posh. Hmmm.


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lbmisscharlie February 23 2008, 03:04:36 UTC


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