Oh, real update!

Feb 01, 2008 23:56

So, first week of classes of my last semester ever. Gah. So, yeah, stuff happened.

I'll start off with TV squee - Torchwood was ok this week, I'm sort of meh about Tosh but the WWI boy was loooovely. As was the Jack/Ianto bit (see icon). Supernatural I liked but wasn't super wowed by. I generally enjoy Ruby, but am sort of sick of the boys getting saved by her. I did find her conversation with Dean at the end to be a good push for Dean's gradual realization of what sort of consequences his decision will have. And I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I would die of happiness if Sam saved Dean in the end by getting his powers and vanquishing some demon ass. And then Dean brought him back to the good side with the power of hot gay sex. :D And I'm thrilled for a new Primeval tomorrow, that show's totally my poorly-researched, historically inaccurate campy show now that RH is done (albeit not as queer as RH, but really, not much is).

So, school. My schedule's pretty sweet, I don't have anything before noon any day except Wednesday, and have Mondays totally free. My class rundown:

Women's Studies - History of Sexuality, Queer Theory: Haven't met the prof yet as she was out of town this week, but this one's going to be intense. It's full of those women who I totally admire and occasionally crush on - the outspoken, articulate, well-read, queer and proud, WOST majors. There's more than one e-famous student, which is always exciting.

Art History - American Pilgrimage Sites: I'm super excited to be taking this class with my major adviser, even though I don't technically need it. She's super adorable and enthusiastic and I love her! The class looks terrible interesting, with multiple field trips, possibly including one to Washington DC!

Women's Studies - Framing the Body through Feminist Theory: This one's to fill out my minor, so I was a little iffy, but it looks like it'll be my most fun class. A lot of it focuses on the idea of bodies and technology, cyborgs, second life, things like that. We have a whole class on Dark Angel! (hopefully some of it with Jensen! I love him in that show) We're also going to be making second life accounts and participating in that whole scene, which I've never been into, but it could be interesting. Many of the students are first-time WOSTers, so it'll be a refreshing change on the one hand from my other WOST class, but I also sort of love having the super-intense but super-articulate students in class, so we'll see. Oh, and I've already brought up Doctor Who/Torchwood, to quite a welcome reception, so hopefully I'll get to work some of that into class in the future.

My thesis continues to be going. I've got way more work this semester than last in that regard, but it'll be cool to do it, I think. I'm also in the process of applying for internships and things, which is way daunting, because, hey, it's the rest of my life starting!
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