(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 21:18

So, I'm back! I arrived back in the wee hours this morning from my week in Iowa City with Jennifer. We had a lovely time just being together and I'm already in withdrawal and want to go back. 63 days is too long to wait until I see her again! To get my mind off it, I'm trying to concentrate on what I have coming up: before classes start again in a little less than two weeks, I've got to write two chapters of my thesis, which I've barely started. I'm also working every morning and taking a self-defense class for PE credit. The class started today and is a little too in-touch-with-our-feelings, hold-hands, trust-exercise for me, but at least I have Adriana to share the pain and mock with. The semester starts up the 28th, and I've got a fairly easy schedule when it comes to actual class time, but I'm sure I'll be kept busy with my thesis and papers and work, so hopefully that'll keep me preoccupied.

In other news, can I tell you how excited I was to find out all my favorite British shows decided to start this week? (Well, with the obvious exceptions of Doctor Who and Robin Hood) Primeval, with all its delicious cheesiness, bad special effects, fedoras and groomed eyebrows; Kingdom, with, well, Stephen Fry (cause what more do you need?), and of course Torchwood! I seriously have never watched a show with so many not-veiled-at-all sexual innuendos per episode. With those shows, and with Never Mind the Buzzcocks continuing for a few weeks, I should be able to make it through the horribleness that is this writer's strike.
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