Aug 09, 2007 08:28
I honestly don't know where to start or how to convery my exact emotions about Eclipse... so please, try and understand me through this almost incoherant rant.
Like I said ^^, where to begin? I just finished it in the wee hours of this morning. I took so long because I've had to work.
Of course I loved it. Of course, when I sat down finally to read, I devoured it. These, I warn you, are my first impression thoughts. They are confused and completely a mess. Do not take offense or think these are final. I am, like everyone else, rereading it so I expect to get a better, clearer opinion on Eclipse once I let it sink in a second time. Here I go...
Bella- 'Sluty Swan'
Now, my least favorite charcter. I, unlike many girls I suppose, don't look up to her, admire her or wish to be here. In Twilight, I loved Bella. I thought she was funny and I liked how she was bright eyed and excited about the new 'world' she had found. Now, she is becoming persistantly annoying and I DO NOT LIKE her ping pong game between Edward and Jacob. I understood her feelings in New Moon. I loved how Jacob was her crutch... how he fixed her. I, I wished that when Edward and Bella were reunited and Edward proposed to her that she would clearly draw the line with Jacob, as a friend, both with Jacob himself and in her heart. When she punched Jacob I laughed. I laughed because Jacob laughed and because I was relieved for all three of them. That is until Bella kissed Jacob and told him she loved him. I reread the passage several times, thinking I misread it. I didn't. Bella kissed Jacob, with passion, with love. Poor Jacob, I thought. Poor, lead on Jacob. And Edward. Edward, who loves Bella so much that he took her right back into his arms after her snogging with Jacob. I am very hurt, I hurt for my boys. Edward and Jacob, who deserve so much more than half of someone's heart. Call me insensitive but I just don't understand her.
Jacob- 'paris falls'
Misguided. He gave his heart, his entire heart to Bella. She selfishly is holding onto while balancing Edward's. I feel so bad for Jacob. I love him, I really do. And when I say I love Edward and I love Jacob... I can identify with Bella, with her indecision. I know... I know. I am confusing. So maybe, I really can understand Bella. *thinks on this for a few minutes*
I am hoping that Jacob can find someone else. Someone that can give him all of her, all of her heart. The scene in the tent, when Jacob snuggled into Bella's sleeping bag to keep her warm while Edward sat nearby... how uncomfortable was that? Ha ha. I actually enjoyed Edward and Jacob's conversation. It revealed alot about their character.
Edward- 'romeo won Juliet in the end'
I love Edward. This book confirms it. I love everything about him. I love how unselfish he is, how completely loving. Edward is a amazing, everytime his name hits the page... my heart sighs. Edward is patient, thoughtful, loving, playful, careful, fierce and knightly. If I wasn't head over heels with him before... there is not going back now.
Confused yet? I am.
I love Edward. I love Jacob. I hate Bella and can't understand her. I love Bella, am completely understanding of her torn heart and am rooting for her to find her true love, which I think is Edward. Or could it be Jacob?
I am rereading it, infact I am at chapter 12 right now. I am sure, once I can iron out my feelings I will post a more coherant review.