Jul 10, 2007 18:19
Even though I fangirl quite a bit on here and don't seem like such a serious thinker, I really can be.
Type your cut contents here. We hear in the news all the time Bush's quote "Stay the course". But what exactly will this get us? As an american I will admit that I am worried. Are we digging a hole for ourselves? It seems to me that we are mere footsteps away from world war 3. With so much hatred building in the east towards the United States... who would come to our aid? I'll tell you who, no one. England is slowly backing out, I mean the prime minister already stepped down. Japan and China won't get involved, I think. And we all know how much acidic hate North Korea has for us, need I mention that they are a technilogical black hole? Who would willingly and happily hand over nuclear weapons to "terrorists'. I just finished watching Bush's speech where he again was begging for the American people to keep their faith in him. Truthfully, I think he knows how horrible things have gotten and that there is no hope and I think he's just too proud to admit his mistake, to admit he lied to ALL of us. Bush is thinking "Really only a year more and then I can retreat to my Texas farm and leave the broken world in the hands of the next president". He's like a kid in a sandbox. He built the castle, wrecked it and will easily move on, leaving it for the next kid to come and rebuild it. Another thing I'm wondering is-- Exactly when did the American people wake up? I clearly remember posters "Support the War" and "Get 'em Bush" all over the roads. Now I see "plant a bush in texas" and "freedom clearly isn't free". I have to wonder if it is only a "fad" to have a mindless opinion or if this society, which is driven by the thing of the moment and vain pride actually are thinking for themselves. When you watch television, watch as Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton spend a day as a police officer, which is a top show, you realize- No, these people obviously don't and can't think for themselves.
What will life be like here in ten years? I wonder if I can even stay living here... if it will be safe or if I could even live under the flag that ONCE stood for freedom, pride, unity and strength. Now, I look at them and see blood, war, hate and a mindless drive. There are so many great things we, the United States, could have done. We could have stayed strong in the face of fear. We could have showed the "terrorists" that we are not a child so easily provoked. We could have joined hands and followed the path of peace. Instead.... everyone wants revenge. Revenge for what? The innocent lives that were lost? Yes, it was horrible. I watched LIVE as the second plane collided into the second tower. I watched the firefighters running into the crumbling building and I watched New Yorkers standing on the corner crying at the loss of human life. Being a New Yorker all my life, I felt the pain but being a human I felt the pain worse. Sure, I was definitely mad. I was mad that people had this much hate in them but I NEVER once wanted revenge. Never. Because I knew revenge equals only more innocent deaths. Now here is the waiting game. It's painful and the minutes drag like hours, like years.
What will Bush do with his remaing time?
What will the American people do with the power of their words?
What will the eastern countries do?
Will troops be pulled in 120 days? And if so, What will happen?
Now that I have that out of my system. I finally hung out with my best friend today. I just called and said "I have free time, want to go for coffee?" We laughed so hard and ate and went to wal-mart for crafts. I really am happy that she likes the same stuff I do, she's so creative and we mesh really well. Now *eye twitch* If only I could get her to read manga, watch Bleach and Hana Kimi and listen to asian music.... *grips heart*.... and like wuzun. Ugh. I am all alone on this fangirl road. Aiyo.
!!! I got my class scheduele for college- Civilization Anthropology- that's the class I am looking forward to most, not to mention English. Apparently, the teacher worked as an editor. I told my counselor my two areas of interests- english and the study of different cultures. It's so expensive but I am eager to start my studies. Oh! The thunder is so loud...