The daffodils of Madison Square are ready for spring
Several Facebook friends have noted that the Equinox begins at 5:24 p.m. today. In celebration, I've brought the winter mugs (snow scene at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park) upstairs for storage and brought out the spring mugs (red tulips from a Flower Show display some years ago) for use.
Yesterday was pretty ordinary: two loads of laundry, a quick walk to the Triangles to pick up an Amazon order (wrong kind of orchid food, oops, so I'll have to return it), and an afternoon spent chopping and stewing vegetables for a ratatouille-adjacent dinner that used up a pound of superannuated ground chicken that I exhumed from the freezer. I am playing catch-up on a number of Tolkien-related podcasts that I let slide while in the throes of Flower Show prep and attendance. Speaking of that: I have finally solved my little Google login problem on my iThingies, to my considerable embarrassment. What was wrong? The login screen requires scrolling down below the visible portion to click a blue "submit" button. I'm good to go, two weeks too late to edit the tour-guide info sheets from the show floor but I'm glad I'm back... I note with even more embarrassment that I'm making a lot more mistakes with interfaces than I used to. Attention must be paid!
I'm "shopping" for some new LJ friends, as you may have noticed. One by one, the old LJ cohort has dropped by the wayside, many in protest of our Russian overlords' execrable human rights violations. Although that makes perfectly good sense to me, I have a lifetime membership so my presence isn't exactly lining their pockets, plus I like being able to archive a year's worth of journals as a pdf using Bookblogger. But I miss having a community. I recently read a piece by Cory Doctorow on the "enshittification" of several social media platforms and I am increasingly noticing this on Facebook. ( )
halfmoon_mollie has suggested a couple friends-of-friends, and I've dutifully subscribed. I didn't see an "add friend" option. Maybe that option has gone away? In any case, I suspect that I will only see the public content and not anything restricted to friends. I assume the reverse is true for those who have subscribed to me in turn. That has me re-thinking my usual practice of friends-locking everything. Really, who cares what my daily weight and step counts are, other than me? So this one will stay public. It's a pretty fair sampling of my usual daily recap.
In celebration of the Equinox, I'm traveling up to the Temple University library this afternoon for a talk-and-walk on forgotten women of horticulture, beginning at the library with the talk and special collections show-and-tell and including a campus tour. It's Temple's Ambler campus, some miles to the northwest, that is actually the former women's horticultural college and the current arboretum, but I'm sure there are lovely things to be seen on the main campus as well. And the Ambler campus's archives and special collections were brought to the main campus after much of the Ambler library was destroyed by a freak tornado that also laid waste to a lot of the arboretum...
STATS: Morning weight: 149.8. Yesterday's steps: 8,439. Workouts: Marching With Meredith (15 min senior aerobics), twice.