Now for something completely different....Longwood Gardens!

May 14, 2019 13:29

Last week (May 3-4), Roy and I went down to Longwood Gardens on the Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning and early afternoon. The wisteria were particularly splendid on a cloudy day. And, actually, so was everything else. I edited down to the 400 photos I liked best, and you can view them in big gulps here, or page through them individually by clicking on one of the images:

(These photos are pretty much straight out of the camera -- a number of them could really benefit from straightening out, etc. I'm a little bemused at how much better the Flickr photos look than the ones I've imported into LiveJournal. You can also see the difference where I've done a similar shot on both the iPhone and the Nikon. The iPhone labels begin IMG and the Nikon begin DSC.)

Every so often, I don't let my dodgy knees get in the way of a coveted shot, like this of a May Apple blossom:

I was on a path on a slope, though, and it was the very devil to get back up after being practically prone with Mr. Nikon's long snout getting as close as it could without me laying my considerable bulk on the plantings.
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