Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 5

Jan 05, 2017 21:20

In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create.
As I've been reading and reccing Yuletide fics, I'll continue with that here.

1. The Clock Counts Down, by Kissoffools. She Loves Me, Georg/Amalia pairing.
In the musical during the Twelve Days of Christmas song, Georg asks Amalia if she'd like to have a cup of coffee with him, but we never get to see that scene. Kissoffools to the rescue. :-) This is a perfect little gap filler, with lovely characterizations.

2. six metamorphoses after Rutledge, by izzybeth. Mozart in the Jungle, Hailey/Rodrigo pairing. Really spot-on characterizations and I love the inspiration for the fic.

3. Yet I Resemble Him, by Synergic. Amelia Peabody, Amelia/Emerson pairing. Oh, if you love Crocodile on the Sandbank, but have always wished that Amelia was a little more forthcoming about how perfectly splendid certain things are with the right person, then this will fit the bill. The voices of Amelia and Emerson are absolutely spot-on. Here is one example (there are many others): I never wallow, literally or metaphorically.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth.

mozart in the jungle, she loves me, fandom snowflake challenge, amelia peabody, fic recs

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