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Comments 8

shirebound January 2 2017, 21:59:14 UTC
There is honour to be found in a life not of action, but of preparation and watchfulness and endurance.

I love that, and the whole "Beacon Keepers" story. Dear Pippin, happy that the long years of steadfast diligence of these folk finally bears fruit... or catches fire.


lbilover January 3 2017, 16:50:26 UTC
Thanks, Janet. The beacon lighting segment is one of my favorite parts of all the movies and I got to wondering about the people who tended the beacons and lived in pretty inhospitable conditions, to say the least. And that led to this story... :-)


kiki_eng January 3 2017, 01:28:10 UTC
I like to make people laugh and this seems to do it.
That must be such a good feeling. :)


lbilover January 3 2017, 16:51:19 UTC
It most definitely is!! :-)


moreteadk January 4 2017, 17:39:07 UTC
Here by Snowflake

I read all three of these and I liked them. My favourite was Martin's Day because there isn't actually very much in the way of fanworks out there that I've seen and what I have seen was shippy in some way, which... that's just not interesting to me. This bit of background info on Martin was. Sounds exactly like him. I especially liked that you managed to get the bit in about him wanting to be an aeroplane. I've always loved that line. :)


lbilover January 4 2017, 22:20:12 UTC
Aww, it's so lovely of you to have read all three stories!

I'm really glad you liked Martin's Day. While I don't mind shipping Martin with Douglas, I enjoy him just as much as his own character. And I've always loved that bit about him wanting to be an aeroplane, too. It had to be in the story!!

Thank you!!

ETA: in keeping with today's Snowflake challenge, I'd like to friend you and if you are so inclined, please friend me back. Any fan of Martin is someone I'd like to be friends with. :-)


layne67 January 5 2017, 04:18:37 UTC
Cabin Pressure is that BBC radio series, right? The one with Benedict Cumberbatch? Not exactly familiar with it but I've listened to one episode ( because of Benedict ). Looking forward to reading that, and the the other two, too :)


lbilover January 5 2017, 14:25:00 UTC
Yes, that's the one. I just adore it. Benedict's character Martin is my absolute favorite, although I love them all.


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