(no subject)

Oct 06, 2008 22:52

Somehow I entered a blogging mood. However I am on my laptop, so there are bound to be lots of typos and sentences that just don't make a lick of sense.

Things have been going well for me. Managing money... good for now.
Still a bit worried, but not for my own finances. Eric makes less money than I do, pays more rent than I do... and its slightly bothersome. I mean so far no problems. Just hoping he can continue to afford rent o_O
But then again, he doesn't have a car to pay for like I do.

My own finances are okay. Been eating well. Get lots of food on all breaks at the casino, which is quite nice. Its still free, although they keep telling us they're going to charge. Here's hoping they don't, eh?

Next month will be our first month of normal rent without the security deposit tacked on. I think that will help me figure out how much free money I have so I can slowly afford fun.

I'd like to be able to pay for my own WoW. I still feel kinda bad about Luke getting me that card... but really I'm grateful. It gives me something to do when I get home from work.
I'm hoping I can afford the expansion when it comes out, but I really don't know. We'll see, I guess.

I like the place I'm in. Eric is a good roommate, and I have managed not to piss him off o_O So that's good. Conveniently whenever I want to be alone, he happens to work.
I believe on wednesday he's cooking those pair of steaks he got. It's mah birthday on Wednesday :D

I thought I would be perturbed at having a small room, but really I don't mind. I pretty much just use it for sleeping, and I don't mind having my computer out in the main room. So I'm glad thats working out well. That was really my only concern about the physical apartment.

Relationship is still going splendidly well. It'll be a year next week. Its so amazing.
Can't help but wonder about the future for it... thats the only thing that really makes me nervous. I mean I'm not leaping in and assuming "pmg we'll be together forever and get married!" but still, as female... I think and fantasize about the future XD

It's doubtful he'll be graduating this year. He just found that out last week. He will get 7.5 credits if he passes every class... and he needs 8 credits to graduate. I don't know what he's doing about that.

He is not greatly concerned. He and I have different views on education. He's a person who values real life experience more than textbook work. Not that he doesn't get stuff out of textbooks, but hopefully you know what I mean.
He doesn't plan on going to college. Neither of his parents did. I don't tihnk he really sees the point of it because again, life experience vs text book.

I could dig that... except when I found out he probably won't graduate. That will probably make getting a job more difficult.
And then of course he said he wasn't going to fret over a half of a credit.. and will just be joining the military next year anyway.

Of course that broke my heart. Do I even need to elaborate? Military. How long will he sign up for? How long will he be gone? How often can he come home?
Where will I be? Will he still miss me, and think of me?

I just don't want him to go plain and simple. And it breaks my heart because I know I would never try talking him out of it because then I would feel ten times worse. If thats what he really wants, then he really should go.

At some point I know we'll talk to it, which will help. I want to know his motive for going into it. I mean, he has a strong family background in military. And I know its not pressure that he's going, definitely not an issue. I just am wondering what is motivating him to want to go...

I'll ask him. But there's no sense in asking yet, its too early and I don't want to get worked up over nothing, which is why I have been trying not to think too hard.

I've contemplated possibilities. And far-fetched possibilities that just make fun scenarios to play out in my head.
I don't know what will happen. I guess we'll see, won't we?

Selfishly, I kind of worry what will happen to me. Right now I live for the weekends when he comes over and I get to spend it with him. And what if, god-forbid, something terrible happened to him in the military? It would kill me.

On the bright side, its quite nice spending time with him now. I can do the cute female thing and make him dinner. I love actually being able to curl up with him behind a closed door in my own bed. The other night he stayed up late and I went to bed early... and then I woke up in the night when he crawled into bed and it was just an amazing feeling when he slipped an arm around me and I fell right back to sleep.

I have sleeping issues sometimes. I can't quite explain it. But when I'm sleeping so close to someone I care so much about I don't even think. Its just a steady warm flow of contented happiness.

And that is what love feels like for me.
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