Blogember Day 29

Nov 30, 2013 21:30

Hello again! Post #3. Hard to believe that I have written prompts for every day this month. While they may not have always gotten posted on the correct day, they have gotten written. This is the second to last post for Blogember! Wow!!!!! I DID IT!

Day 29: Your take on the prompt Be Ridiculous

The dictionary defines ridiculous as "deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd." I think that's pretty accurate.

Life can be absolutely absurd. You just have to learn how to roll with the punches. So far, I have. I know that things haven't always been the greatest, but I just have to find the things that I can laugh at.

Find the humor in the small things... some of the best advice I have ever gotten.

blog-a-day, pics

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