Jan 29, 2008 11:59
Your Knitting/Crocheting Habits & Desires
1. Do you knit, crochet, or do both? I do both, but primarily knit
2. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? Knitting for about 2-3 years. I taught myself and I'd say I'm an intermediate knitter at this point. I like new challenges
3. What are your favorite yarns or fibers to knit with? What yarns/fibers do you avoid, dislike or hate? Are you allergic to any fibers?
Hmmm, tend to avoid acrylics now, especially Red Heart, it makes great afghans! I like wool and I guess just about anything....I'm really not that fussy. Not allergic to any fibers.
4. Do you spin? Dye yarn? Are you looking to try any of these and, if so, which ones? I don't do either and I'd like to do both, but time and budget don't permit them right now.
5. What do you use to store your needles/hooks? How about your other tools, like stitch holders and point protectors? Where do you store your yarn? I have a bin that they all go in. I do have a fabric holder that I was given, but I have been so busy that I haven't put my needles in it yet. My yarn is currently in rubbermaid bins, as I am not permanently settled in my own place.
6. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Do you have a needle preference-bamboo, aluminum, plastic, etc.? Are there any needles you would like to try? Over the last year I have learned to really like bamboo. I think I am starting to prefer circulars too. I guess I'm partial to DPNs too.
7. Do you own a ball winder and/or swift? Would you prefer to receive center-pull balls of yarn, if the person that has you owns a winder/swift and is so inclined? I have a ball-winder and love it, would love a swift, but again budgetary issues. Center-pull balls are fine too. :)
8. Are you a sock knitter? Do you want to learn? Yes, sock knitter--lots of fun!! :)
9. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit and/or crochet? I am partial to socks and sweaters.
10. What is your current knitting/crocheting project? Do you have any current obsessions like socks, lace, felting, etc.? I have two pairs of socks OTN and a sweater/jacket (sunrise jacket from Interweave Knits)
11. Are there any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? What have you always wanted to try knitting/crocheting? Trying to learn lace, not as easy as I thought...Would like to learn magic loop and/or two socks on two circs. SP can check out my ravelry queue to see what I would like and if SP doesn't have ravelry, let me know I'll provide a list.
12. How old is your oldest UFO (UnFinished Object)? Hmm, maybe a year?
13. Do you have any knitting/crocheting magazine subscriptions? Are there any that you love or buy regularly? No subscriptions right now, but I am consistently buying Interweave Knits
14. Do you have a ravelry account? If so, please list your username. Yes, Lbeth21
15. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? of course!
16. Would you like to receive hand knitted socks? If so, what are your foot measurements? (i.e. measure around the ball of your foot and also the length from heel to toe.) Of course, giving this information is no guarantee that you will actually receive knitted socks. It's just in case. Of course! I wear a size 7. Since I'm currently at work I can't find the measurements but I will try and post them on my LJ blog by the weekend.
Non-knitting Information
1. Do you have an Amazon, Etsy or other online wish list? Please include a link. Yes, Amazon, but it has mainly academic books on it, wouldn't be really fun for this swap.
2. What is your favorite scent? (i.e. for candles, bath products, etc.) Are there any you can't stand? I like vanilla, apple cinnamon...pretty much all scents. Don't like really really flowery scents, but flowery ones are good though.
3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you have a favorite candy or snack? Is there anything you would hate to get? Love chocolate...really don't like malt candies. I like goldfish, pretty much all kinds of nuts and cookies.
4. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (Just in case your pal wants to make you a CD.) Everything pretty much but heavy metal stuff.
5. What is your favorite holiday? Maybe Thanksgiving...I get to eat a lot and spend time with the family! :)
6. Do you have a favorite animated character, animal, etc.? love cats, can't wait to get one of my own!! I like dogs too.
7. Are you into any fandoms? (Harry Potter, Buffy, etc.) I am a fan of Harry Potter, I have read all the books
8. How do you decorate your room/house? Is there anything that you collect? My bathroom is fish themed, um but nothing in particular....skeins/balls of yarn seem to do a lot of the decorating
9. What is your favorite color(s)? Are there any colors you just can't stand? Is there a specific color family/palette that you enjoy knitting with or wearing? Love purples. blues, greens. Not a huge fan of yellows and oranges. I wear/knit a lot with purple, blue, red and green and colors in those families
10. Would you like and use icons, layouts, banners or wallpapers? Anything specific? No, Not really.
Other Information About You
1. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? I like stamping cards, though I haven't done much of that lately.
2. What is your family/living situation? Do you have any pets? No pets, no kids in my house!
3. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens/gloves, slippers or ponchos? scarves, hats, mitten and gloves yes, ponchos, no
4. Do you make graphics? Do you have a paid Livejournal account? no and oo
5. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) (Note: If your birthday will fall during the swap, please let mrsdalejunior know by sending an e-mail to jodyullery at comcast dot net) 09/21
6. Is there anything else you would like to add for your pal? Hmmm, can't think of anything right now....feel free to ask me any Qs