So like I said, I saw the Oscar performance of "Falling Slowly" and decided I HAD to see "Once". Last night we finally got to watch it, and OH MY GOD. Those of you who said I would like it, could not have been more right!! I thought I was gonna die from the wonderfulness of it was like floating on a perfect fluffy sea of warm fuzzies. I am officially in love with those two...even Matthew, who hates musicals with a passion, loved it.... gooooood....
Heres the Oscar clip of "Falling Slowly" cuz I think the scene from the movie should be actually seen in context to be fully appreciated, and I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't watched it yet...
Click to view
SEE IT PEOPLE! YOU MUST! It will make you feel good! I've decided I must own this movie (an honor few movies ever get cuz I am cheap and practical minded) But I would totally see this movie will sit very nicely in my collection of "Lauren feels sad/sick and wants visual warm emotional fluffies to make her feel better" movies (which currently consists of "Moulin Rouge", "Down With Love", "Lilo and Stitch" and "What Dreams May Come")
In other movie related news, I've discovered that having an HD TV makes me want to go out and buy all my old Disney movies on Hi-Def DVD...SERIOUSLY I had NO IDEA how good those 101 Dalmation commercials would look on my sexy...wants pretty animation in HD... *attempts to resist temptation*
cinsangel I hope it is rockin hun bun!! XD