The Davinci Code

Jun 01, 2006 12:18

Finally got to see The Davinci Code last night. I was begrudingly excited to see it in the hopes that the movie would be better than the book. I hated the book. But alas, it just wasn't up to snuff. I shall put the rest behind a cut to save from spoiling.....

First off, my reasons for disliking the movie and the book are not religious. I am not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, and even if I was I really don't think a movie starring Tom Hanks would shake my faith.

My problem with the book is the fact that it was POORLY WRITTEN. There is hardly a plot to speak of, and the characters are horribly, painfully wooden. It's as if the author wanted to publish his senior thesis, but tossed in some fictional characters so he could get his book in the fiction section section and sell more copies. It was painful. And I think the movie suffered from the same flaws. The characters were contrived, empty and soooo horridly done. Am I seriously supposed to believe that Tome Hanks is some sort of super computer, who figures out codes in a matter of minutes and is a fount of all arcane obscure information? It's too easy. It's like they didn't even try to make this mystery difficult to figure out.

Also, I find it offesively sexist. In a book that is supposed to celebrate and reveal the sacred feminine, WHY does the one lead female not do ANYTHING?! Even at the end Tom Hanks has to figure the code out for her (the code she was raised and trained to break btw...). She is reduced to a wibbling damsel is distress, who doesn't do much but whine about her grandfather's creepy sexual habits. It's obscene, and reeks of a book written by a man who has been brought up on far too much John Wayne and Indiana Jones. Grrrrrrr...

As for the theory that Jesus had teh sex with MaryM. Well I've heard it before, it wasn't anything shocking and new to me. Personally I like the idea. I find the concept of a savior who actually fell in love with a woman more believeable than one who went around preaching love and understanding between humankind but didn't actually experience any of it for himself. And I also strongly believe MaryM. has been horribly maligned by history, as have most women. But that is another post for another day.

In conclusion, The DaVinci Code movie is the same as the book...blah to the nth degree.


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