Oh wow, the things that go on...

Jun 25, 2012 06:11

So, what's happening with me lately? Well...

My uncle-in-law got married on Saturday, and that was a rather fun little occasion. Steaks! Shrimp! And holy matrimony! Plus, what are the odds that we would run into a friend/acquaintance from Nintendo of Canada's PR firm there? It really is a small world.

As an aside, I was amused that her dress was a nice Nintendo red... though I didn't get to say as much.

But have you ever just not recognized someone because you are simply not used to seeing them outside of a certain context? Like a teacher outside of school, maybe? That happened for a moment, before it turned into a "holy crap, this is kind of awesome" thing.

(And no, we didn't discuss "business" so much, aside from her last day coming up soon and wishing her well.)

In other news, using RealPlayer in Firefox without it absolutely devastating anything Flash-related-- YouTube, those deviantART embeds, etc.-- has been a bit of an ordeal, but I think I finally have it fixed.

In preparing for the wedding, it has come to my attention that I really need to lose some weight. Part of this would mean cutting out things such as soda for healthier fare, such as water, maybe milk. There is just one problem with this...

My body seems unable to deal with healthier beverages, at least in any sort of considerable quantity. I've tried going to more water, but it seems to aggravate my insides greatly, resulting in acid reflux and the like. I've even bought water at the store, in the hopes that maybe there's just something in the tap water here which is disagreeing with me, but the effect seems to be the same.

This... could be a problem.

Until I figure something out, I'm at least drinking more Diet Pepsi (the choice of champions, no lie) around the water.

I also wish I could see a dietician, or at least knew of a way to test to see if some foods are just worse for me. Near as I can tell, some people just can't eat certain things without gaining a ton of weight, like bread. Some people do fine with it, and it seems like others can't even smell the stuff without putting on weight.

On a related note: Sushi is one of my favorite foods... or was, until recently. I'm actually a little worried about this, as I have seriously lost my appetite for the stuff since I got sick when we were out of town last month. And the crazy thing is, it's not as though I ate sushi then or anything to cause a disassociation or something-- the closest thing I had was some fish at Captain D's, and that's only related because they have fish.

It bothers me because sushi has to be one of the healthier foods I love to eat. I can still eat it, it doesn't make me sick or anything, but... I've just felt extremely passive about it lately.

Finally, I've sort of gotten my sleep cycle back to where I'm awake during daylight hours. That's a nice change, but we'll see how long that lasts. Hopefully until this Thursday's event with Nintendo of Canada, at least.

Well, there is one other thing related to that last part... can't speak of it yet, but soon. It's coming along well. Stay tuned!

--LBD "Nytetrayn"
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