Apr 10, 2002 23:31
You know what? People worry soooo damn much about labels and who is labeled what. Well fuck that. People are what they are... I decided last night when someone told me "You're 15, you act like you're 27 and married" that I worry too much. Labels mattered to me too much (quite different than anything else going on, though). I decided that I'm going to quit worying about the status of a certain something, and just go with it and have fun. And as for everything else, that should apply, too. If people feel like getting a certain haircut or dying their hair a certain color, then they should do it. Fuck anyone who says they are stealing someone elses style. Everyone steals from everyone else, whether intentionally or not. It really shouldn't matter... I guess all the music we listen to shouldn't exist, because it's influences are from other music. I mean, shit, if everyone had that attitude about everything, pretty much every damn thing would be at fault.
If anyone has a problem with how I dress or look or anything about my style, speak up. Insult me all you like, I'm not going to change for you. If you find satisfaction in it, more power to you. Tear me apart in this public forum, be my guest. It would do nothing except enrage people close to me, and there's no point in that.
People should just pull their heads out of their asses and understand that trivial things shouldn't matter so much. There are things infinitely more important than what some stranger decides to do with themselves. Just take this piece of advice: Have fun any chance you can, and don't worry about others, whether it's what you think about them or what they think about you. Just let it be.