Dec 22, 2010 10:00
Today will mark the 6th straight day of rain here in S. California. It's both enlightening and a bit of a downer too for me. I do enjoy the rains when they come to our area, but not so freeking much. It's nice to be home with the door open and listening to the patter of the water hitting the outside walk and brush. A very relaxing zen for me. It's also great 'snuggle' weather to just snuggle up with someone special and watch TV.
So far, it's been a snuggle-fest for me as Sir (Eric) has been with me since the 15th. So far I've taken him to Disneyland in the rains (this past Saturday), but that's it. I do have special plans on Christmas Eve (actually afternoon) and we've been informed Thursday will be a half-day here at work. So it's looking good. We even braved a walk in the morning rain on Sunday to see "Tron- Legacy". I liked the movie and would give it a "B". But if you didn't see the original "Tron", you may be a little lost at what's going on even with the flashback scenes.
After the New Year Sir will be going back North to start school and I'll be trying to fill the void of not having someone with me at home. There are plans of going up to visit and attending various Leather events in the next year, but until then...
This rain with the holiday is also making me a bit blue. I'm still upset I won't be seeing the 'sandbox family' for New Years, but I can't rectify the circumstances behind it. Although I won't be alone for the holidays, it just won't be the same without some family involvement after all these years. I feel empty inside because I'm one to be surrounded with family/friends during this time of the year. Seeing the faces of my family and soaking in the basking glow of love and friendships can lift the spirits to such highs, it makes you forget all the low points of the year.
Sure, I have Sir with me, but it's something that eats at me and makes me ache; almost alone and insignificant. I wish people would talk to me so I could understand, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards. I just have to deal with it as always (hence the insignificant feeling).
I'm really missing everyone now; my mom, my friends, my family. I cherrish each and everyone in my life. I hold no grudges.
If I don't post until after the holidays, I want each of you to reach out and hug someone you love. Remember they are the most important people in your life.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, etc, etc....