Ganked from my LJ fan,
joebehrsandiego Neat freak? - Oh hell no... I like to call it my organized mess
Gym bunny? - I prefer doing my exercise outdoors (rollerblading, cycling)
Computer geek? - Admittedly, yes. But I know of others far more geeky
Online Cruiser? - Yep
Online porn? - Isn't that what the internet is for? Porn? Listen to Avenue Q!
Sci-fi geek? - Not a geek, but enjoy a good sci-fi flick!
Comic book geek? - No
Fantasy geek? - Depends on who's it is!
Fabulous cook? - A wiz with a microwave! Hot Dogs & Mac and Cheese count?
Showtunes? - Totally!
Opera? - No, but I think it's pretty
Midler? - "Look up my ass and see if my hats on straight"... 'nough said
Streisand? - Eww-eww-god-eww!
Cher? - Depends what she's up to
Madonna? - Yep
Pull off drag in public? - Only on Halloween
Pull off pants in public? - I was aquitted!
Able to quote fabulous movies? - Define "fabulous"
Witty repartee? - I have my moments
Fashion-forward? - Fashion-comfortable
Well-groomed? - For a guy with no hair, not much to groom!
Perfect hair? - What's hair?
Musclebear? Nope, but you know any single ones?
Good dancer? - There are moments...
White Partier? - Egads, only did that circut once! Never again!
Disco bunny? - I enjoy the music
Bathhouse buddy? - It's been awhile
Bareback? - Not while in the convent
Complicated mixed drinks? I like my mixed drinks
Wine connoisseur? - I enjoy a good reisling
Fine dining connoisseur? - When I can afford a night out, mm-mmmm!
Potluck “make” or “buy” ? - This is a trick question to find out if I can cook, isn't it?
Green thumb? - No
Judgmental queen? - Just what the world needs, a judicial queen
Pride colors? - Not anymore
Buy Perfect gift for perfect occasion? - Perfect in my judgement
Interior decorating? - Gack, no!
Protest queen? - No
Sew/knit? - I can manage a button or two
Dated Leigh Chapman? - Who? And I'm not about to Google it