I Am My Own Man

Dec 10, 2005 16:31

Written for the HBP challenge on FAP -- The parameters were something akin to "Less than 500 words, taking place the day after HBP ends, from any other character's POV".

Title: I Am My Own Man
Word Count: <500
Rating: G
Summary: Neville arrives home and makes some decisions.

My trunk’s still not unpacked. I dragged it into my room as soon as I got home, but I just can’t bring myself to put everything away.

I heard rumors on the train the whole way home that the school might not open next year. I suppose that’s worse news for the younger kids than it is for me, since I already have my OWLs, and my NEWTs probably weren’t going to be all that much to fuss about. The idea of not going back to Hogwarts still has me reeling, though.

The battle was terrible. A few days after, Ginny told me she was having nightmares. I told her I was, too. I figured she wouldn’t laugh. She didn’t.

I talked about it with Luna, too. After the funeral, we sat on the grounds and looked out at the lake. She shared her memories of Professor Dumbledore, of the D.A., of the things we did to keep ourselves alive at the Department of Mysteries and in the Astronomy wing that night. We watched the giant squid and I took her hand. She told me about the migration patterns of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack, and I kissed her. Not that I didn’t want to hear about Snorkacks, mind. I just really wanted to kiss her.

Dumbledore’s gone. I still have a lot of sadness inside of me. The grief is still new, and I need to talk about it.

I go downstairs and find Gran in the kitchen.

“Have you unpacked your trunk already?” she asks sharply.

I shake my head.

“Well, what are you waiting for, boy? You won’t be going back for another two months. You need to put your things away in your room.”

I don’t tell her that I might not be able to go back. It’s not time yet.

I can’t talk about the way I’m feeling with Gran. She’s giving me that look of disapproval. She doesn’t look at me that way all the time anymore, but it hurts more now than it used to when she does.

Luna gave me the name of her Floo connection at home. I could go talk to her.

I want to, but I don’t. Does that make sense?

Because I just realized something: There are people who should know about Dumbledore, about the way I feel inside. Two people. I know who I need to tell.

I’m not an adult yet - not for another month, anyway - but I feel grown-up enough to make my own decisions.

I have proven myself. I am brave, and strong, and I know how to do what is right.

I am my own man.

“I’m going out,” I tell her, and I’m at the fireplace before she can even think to stop me.

I grab a handful of Floo powder, step into the flames, and say loudly enough for Gran to hear, “St. Mungo’s.”

luna, drabble, hp_fanfic, n/l, neville

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