Nov 16, 2008 02:14
Hello to the few friends I have on here who might actually remember me! This has been a crazy year, but I'm getting everything back to normal more or less now. I guess I've settled in. I was watching SNL tonight (I'm sick as a damned dog, but I'm still up at 3:16 a.m.! How stupid is that??) and Justin Timberlake was on. That inspired me to get back into my Nsync stuff. So yay for that!
So here's what's been going on, more or less, in random order. First, who else was surprised by Lance on DWTS?? I think anybody would agree that he was the worst dancer in Nsync, but I thought he represented on the show. I was very happy for him (and happy for myself that I got to watch him every week!) under the guise that I'm a big DWTS fan so I don't have to hear any cute boys make Nsync digs. Not that I wouldn't defend it, but YOU know....
I ended up going to Georgetown and I really love it. I had always thought in the back of my mind that I wanted to get involved in politics somehow and there's just no place better than here to study. I'm doing really well in school (it's kicking my ass, though! Not nearly as fun as Pep), and I think my parents are actually *gasp* proud of me, which is something that feels really great, even though I wasn't sure it would. I have a great apartment and decided to get a part time job to get a little more spending cash, and I really like it. It's not like it's some future career, but it's something I did all on my own and I feel semi grown up. It's in politics! Ha! Kidding. It's in a bookstore. But I get to talk about politics sometimes, so that counts, doesn't it?
Speaking of politics, I was so pumped this year for the elections. I really felt proud to vote (even though it was through the mail since my permanent address is still in Cali), especially because of Prop 8. It passed, though, damnit, but maybe it was close enough to make a difference soon. We'll see. It's really crazy to me that people care whether or not gay people get married. I just don't get why anybody cares, plus I'm a big believer in the 9th amendement. But, like my dad said, "The same people who care about whether or not two people get married are the same people who cared if the president got a blow job," and I think that's right. I just can't believe it, though.
I'm very happy about Obama. I worked on his campaign (again, I'm making myself sound important. I called people on the phone and stuffed envelopes - necessary work, but not exactly campaign strategy!) and think he's just about the best person I've ever met in my life. Just as a side note, though, I think he's also the skinniest man I've ever seen. He makes his wife look chunky on tv, which is really unacceptable, don't you think? He needs to put on some pounds! lol.
Back to my life. My dad had a heart attack last summer and that just about ended things for me. I was so depressed and scared and worried, and I didn't know what I would do if he died. He's fine now, thank God, but it turns out he has a weakened heart that's partly genetic and partly because of all the stress he's under with work and stuff. He said he was going to really take a step back from business and let his team do more, blah blah blah, but, of course, that's only slightly true. He's a control freak and can't just sit at home and hang with my mom - I think they'd kill each other if they were actually together 7 days a week. But he's watching it.
The economy sucks, but my parents' businesses are doing well for the most part, which is good. The real estate part suuuuuuuucks, of course, but what can you do? My mother was thinking of getting plastic surgery, but she decided not to after I kept sending her emails and texts of all the crazy looking women I foudn on the internet. My dad asked her why her daughter had more sense than she does, and my mom said, "Because her tits are still where they're supposed to be!" lol. I thought that was pretty great. I think I'll be okay with getting older, but who knows? Maybe my future daughter will have to send me pictures of "surgery gone wrong" too.
Let's see. What else? Oh. Boys. I just started dating a guy here that I met on the Obama campaign. His name is Olivier and he's from France (his mom is American, though, and he wants to work here). He's graduating, though, and going to Yale for law school. It's not really that far, but we'll see. It's fairly new, but I really like him. I was seeing someone from back home this summer, but that ended badly. A week after my dad had his heart attack, I found out my supposed boyfriend was sleeping with his ex girlfriend. It was horrible, and I was already so depressed about my dad that I acted really stupid and took him back and then felt like the biggest loser on the planet. I think I was just clinging to anything at that point, you know? Anyway, then he broke up with me! I really felt horrible about myself then, to think that I had let this guy cheat on me twice and I was willing to put up with it. I started seeing a psychologist again to try to avoid being medicated, and that really helped. He sort of talked me though it, and my dad got better, so I felt better about it. But let me tell you. When the ex emails me or texts me, I still think about getting back with him. How messed up is that?
Anyway, so things are pretty good. But now it's 3:45 a.m. and I really need to go to sleep. I'm on all this medication for this horrible bronchitis/larangitis/bubonic plague that I have and it's really messing iwth my sleep. On the upside, I'm allergic to codeine, so I have to use suppositories so that I don't throw it up! Okay, maybe TMI, right?
I hope everyone is doing well out there in the internet. Sleep tight.