Feb 07, 2007 12:26
Yeah so I haven't updated for a while..been kinda busy..lol
Friday we had guard till eleven o'clock..talk about fun..it was really interesting becuase there was a little dispute between a certain guard member. Lets just say there was some tension in the air.
Elloree and brad came to practice too...I imagine for becka..lol.
Um...saturday we had practice again...i was bout to go insane...I hate doing drill...and learning work..especially sweep..push..slam...turn...stuff like that oh well if it will make us better then by all means lets do it. After practice I went to O'charley's and ate...it was a fun time....I enjoyed it. Except I had to wait an hour and a half to get my food dumbass people.
Sunday I had to dart deer....and no we don't use a deer darter ;)....then i went to the guard complex until 1:30 to build the carts...it was a pain..buuut they definitely look ten times better and are ten times stronger. soo that's a good thing. After that I had to work...thas always fun..not... Later that nite I had a horrible headache...it was bad...and then I was forced to take tylenol.....then I just completley forgot bout my headache so that went away.
tonite i work till midnight then i'll prolly chill
till later HHL :P