Mar 14, 2005 22:02
Try to control me, Mr. Control Freak.
Try to censor me, try to tell me what I can write,
what I can say.
Come find me...six states away.
It's easy to push around those adoring
groupies that idolize and worship you.
It's easy to stand in front of people and
shoot off your mouth and think you are in
control...guess what Jacko?
Hitler is dead, oh leader of the pack!
Oh wait...perhaps Georgia has succeeded from the union again!
Rumors? Gossip? My ass!!
Ask? "I don't know, why don't you ask *****"
Oh can't! She moved in with...oh you know who...more control, more lies!
Hurrah...hurrah...all praise King Control Freak!!
Not me!! Not me!! I don't worship no Shakespeare wanna be!
Wanna know? Tough! I AM IN CONTROL OF THIS LJ BABY!!!