May 01, 2007 19:34
Arabian Princess
I'd like to practice free love with an arabian princess. See in a cartoon like dream, my arabian princess. A veil to hide a future bride to the sun under which the moonlight shines. Two lights too bright for such magic eyes. The finest cloth to clothe, the world saved for one, arabian princess girl. A walk so high for the clouds to hold, a murderous mind of hot and cold. Stop the train and let her down, crown her thoughts with sexless nouns. Only break the cork for her and let the bottle pour for her, my arabian princess. Flowers for the field make it the only place to go, I only wish that I could show the roses that their beauty does not know of my arabian princess. She can lay and stand and sit some too, not much different than any lady can do, but it's her and she knows it and I know it too, that any girl who sees her wishes to be an arabian princess too. With thoughts so far down from a mountains peak she knows her meaning, choosing when to speak, but when she chooses her voice so sweetly sounds. And believe me when I tell you my heart it pounds. Anytime my arabian princess is around.
Mexico Continued
There's people all around me
Only they're louder than I am
Or than I choose to be
I sit right next to the girl whose right track
Runs head on down towards the wrong station
If the station is even standing when she arrives
The malnourished brain sits forward of me
Looking on, probably out to the future somewhere
She has two hand prints on her back
Someone must've pushed her
And to think, she wanted to stop the violence
The guy next to me doesn't appear to hate violence
Or care to stop it
Judging by the army crest laid down across his breast
But his eyes just drop, below the ocean's waves
Locked beneath the stage
And upon the stage is the golden girl. flavoured with golden hair and a hint of naievity. But she stands on stage nonetheless. If only we'd have gotten to her first. We may have flavoured her differently, more naturally. She approves of the man in front of her. It was just how she was brought up. "Well I don't have to understand as long as I'm polite." Oh but some can't understand how to be polite, so they don't ever end up in the right place. If any one place can even hold some of them, The arabian princess and her friend, and the mother, watching over us, but more over herself than anybody really. "I don't have to understand if I'm not included." And she wasn't included, except for the occasional eight hour work day and maybe a plate placed down on the floor to see how much it takes for her to beg. She didn't beg long, because everyone else just sitting around with a face joined the choir and began in singing a new song. It was the Star Spangled Banner, I know I'd heard it before, but they claimed I hadn't only to continue the verse. It was a long verse, not consisting of much more than the words included. They only were included to lull its listeners ears into thinking they were really asleep. The rumbling of Mr. Big Neck's car crash voice is said to have something to do with their awakening. Now that you're awake I'd like to put you down to rest. No, don't worry, you're not sick, well, not too sick, but don't worry the news tells me cancer is just a part of life now, so Get well soon if that's what you aim to do. If not, let me know how things turn out. I mean I know how it'll turn out, But I'd just like to hear your point of view.