Mar 08, 2007 15:59
Well, I was asked to write a poem in one of my classes today. It was to be an "I am" poem. But what are people, except for what they do. Or so that's how the majority of people themselves think, including most of my class. But what are we really? Do you even know?
I am of the strawberry fields
I am the son of no man
I am what you see all around you
I am everywhere under the sun
I am me
I am you
I am the feet of Achilles
I am the wheels of anything that moves
I am visionary
I am a shooting star
I am what I am
I am what you long to be
I am free, to think, to act, to be
And I don't even like school. I don't really want a career/job. So I don't really want to spend my time sitting in classes, learning about things that odds are I don't care about, or aren't going to help me at all in the future. So we'll see just how much longer me and school continue to coincide.
Everything And Everybody
I find myself here, right now, even tonight
The vase and the candle of time
Make the water like wine
It makes a world of difference
Everybody's just gonna hang out
Everybody's just gonna act out
Are we talkin the whole world?
Ohe we're talkin everybody
Nothing ever ends until you make it end
Don't worry everything's make believe
Everything's make believe
All simple things in life happen again
So when's it gonna end?
so when's it gonna end
The world is about to change speed at our command
Fast or slow?
Whichever way we wanna make it go
We're gonna live in the endless summer time
A place where I could be myself all day
Oh how softly things explode
Yes, how softly things explode
Everybody's just gonna hang out
Everybody's just gonna act out
Are we talkin the whole world?
Ohe we're talkin everybody
Nothing ever ends until you make it end
Don't worry everything's make believe
Everything's make believe