Poisoned apple

Jul 23, 2008 10:07

Yep, been a while but I'm back.

Title: Poisoned apple
Author: thebluemaiden
Rating: PG- 13 there will be some romance.
Summary: I decidedd to write a Lazy town version of Snow white. . . yeah it's rather odd in some places but I hope you all enjoy.
Author’s Notes: I'm trying hard to keep the balace right here, so far so good I think, I'd love to know what you all think. I hope to get chappter two up soon.

Yes, I'm back more of the Stephanie and Sportacus fluff. The usual at the start, I don't own any one here. . . been a long time since I wrote a Lazy town fic, so here is a new one.

Poisoned Apple.

Chapter one: The return.

Stephanie smiled widely and wistfully as her uncles house came into view, many memories, of the happy summers she had spent there filled her mind. She was now a young woman in her eighteenth year, Stephanie had stopped visiting Lazy Town years ago after Sportacus broke her heart.

It was an event the young pink haired woman preferred not to think about to much, even now it caused her pain, but the letter that her uncle had sent, asking her to return to Lazy Town had held a certain note that had struck her note, so Stephanie had written back to say she would come and here she was.

On her way threw Lazy town she had noticed that weeds were growing every were and all the sports equipment was disused, obviously something had gone terribly wrong here in Lazy Town, the question was though, was what on earth had happened?

Stephanie knocked on the door, her uncle opened it almost strait away and beamed a large, warm smile up at her. “Oh Stephanie, do come in.”

Stephanie smiled back at him and went inside. “I'll put my things in my old room and then when can talk about why you wrote to me okay?”

Mayor Meanswell nodded, Stephanie went to her room, it hadn't changed, she looked into the mirror, but she had, quickly she tided some of the strands of long pink hair back into the pony tail, the young pink haired woman put her bags down, then turned and left heading back to the living room.

Stephanie sat down on the couch next to Milford and turned her serious brown eyes onto him. “So what on earth happened here?”

The mayor let out a deep sigh and then spoke. “Well not all that long after you told Sportacus how you felt about him and Left Lazy Town . . . something terrible happened to him.”

Stephanie nodded slightly. “Please go on with your story uncle.”

“Well, let me see, it was a perfectly normal day here in Lazy Town Robbie was up to his usual mischief. Sportacus ate an apple and then next thing we all new he was out cold, it was almost as if her were dead, but Pixel's computer assured us he was alive . . . just. We tried everything that we could think of to wake Sportacus up, but nothing we tried worked. Soon enough Robbie had put everything here in Lazy Town back to the way it was before Sportacus arrived.”

Stephanie let out a deep breath and leant back in the sofa slightly. “Wow, that's terrible uncle. So were is Sportacus now?”

Mayor Meanswell stood suddenly. “If you'll come with me I'll show you.”

“All right, lead the way.” Stephanie said standing.

Milford left the house, Stephanie followed along behind him quietly, she noticed quiet soon that they were heading in the direction of the town hall.

As they got closer Stephanie could see that there was something now out in the square before the town hall, it seemed to glow slightly in the light.

Soon they were much closer and Stephanie could see that it was a glass case, lined with white pillows and laying inside the glass case on top of the white pillows was none other then the town here himself.

Stephanie's brown eyes went wide and she stopped dead, her mouth opened slightly, he looked absolutely amazing lieing there asleep. Sportacus's hands were clasped gently on his chest just bellow his crystal, his face looked gentle and handsome as he slept.

Stephanie gulped, she took a deep breath, then walked up to stand beside her uncle before the glass case and slowly looked down at it's sleeping and rather dashing occupant.

“Well I have to say he looks rather handsome down there.” Stephanie said softly to her uncle.

The mayor smiled at the young pink haired woman next to him. “Yes, well if you say so, I'll have to trust your judgement on that one I'm afraid.”

“So if nothing is working, why did you write to me?”

“Well, I wrote to you, because, I was wondering if you might be able to think of anything that we haven't already tried.” The Lazy Town mayor explained quickly.

Stephanie began to pace a thoughtful expression on her face. “Well lets see, did you try giving him water?”


“What about another apple?”


“Well then how about some one getting into trouble?”

“Yes, we even tried that.”

Stephanie stood for a little while longer trying to think of anything else, then she shook her head sadly. “No I'm sorry uncle I honestly can't think of anything else.”

With a dejected sigh Mayor Meanswell walked off back towards his home, he didn't look behind him to see if Stephanie was following him.

Stephanie stood back beside the glass case, slowly she looked down at the Lazy town hero and she let out a sigh. “Your still as handsome as ever. I wish that I could help you some how, even if you don't love me in the way that I love you. . . I still want to help you.”

At that very moment a strange idea struck the young pink haired woman, Stephanie put her head to one side for a moment considering her idea, well it was worth one try just as long as no one was there to see her try it.

Nervously Stephanie looked around, there was thankfully no one around, to see her to try this.

Carefully she lifted the glass lid off of the case, gently Stephanie lay it on the floor next to the case and then she straitened.

Once again her brown eyes fell onto Sportacus, she blushed slightly and sighed, he really was just so breath takingly handsome right now, in this one prefect moment.

Nervously Stephanie leant forward, she raised one hand, gently she ran a thumb over his lips, they were soft to the touch and looked oh so very inviting right now.

Blushing softly, the young pink haired woman leant forward further, softly her lips touched Sportacus's in a gentle kiss.

Nothing changed, Stephanie sighed sadly, she lifted the glass top of the case and carefully placed it back over the sleeping lazy town hero.

Whilst she was doing this, Stephanie was mentally telling herself off for even thinking something so stupid and childish could have ever worked on Sportacus.

With a deep sigh, Stephanie took one last long look at the sleeping town hero before, she ran quickly back to her uncles house.
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