I sent off a note to Magnus Ragnarsson just to double-check about my contacts and check in with LTE's desired PR procedure. Bothering individual cast and crew members will probably not be necessary - I got forwarded to Agust Freyr Ingason, LTE's Executive VP. He was interested in discussing the entire situation over with me and making an official statement, but something is apparently going on at the studio at the moment.
That said, he sent me a note asking if I could schedule a time to talk to him early next week. I agreed to this, and I'll let him know when we schedule the talk that I'll be recording the conversation for validation - he'll let me know what parts of the recording I may and may not use. Please sit tight until then. I'll release more updates and information as I get them.
If any of you want me to address any other issues when I talk to him, please let me know ASAP so I can give him some idea of how long our appointment may take and what sort of information he'll need to prepare. I am planning on asking him about the future of the franchise outside of the UK and contact info for fans to petition Nickelodeon as well. If you have any other questions or concerns, please respond to this post or send me an email.
On a more embarrassing note, my Icelandic contact (unfortunately) seems to have checked an out-of-date phonebook as far as Stefan's Icelandic number goes. I'm going to post the audio results of that call ASAP. XD; In the meantime, my contact is searching out a more-current phone directory and gave me what is believed to be his San Diego phone and address. I don't plan on bothering him if I can avoid it. I recommend that everyone wait with me and see what Agust has to say during our appointment next week.
EDIT: Now with Sound File. This proves a couple of things:
I back up what I say. I'm not bluffing.
I really did have the spine to call Iceland to check on everything.
I also sound like a moron on the phone.
This also proves that Icelandic accents are awesome. X3
http://www.sendspace.com/file/d7in22 EDIT EDIT: Added some screencaps to offer further proof if anyone was curious. Kristjan is no longer with the company, so no privacy is breached through releasing what his email address used to be back when I first contacted him. Anything that's blacked out is my own personal information. (And yes, I did end up solving the problem of the site not being viewable, back when.)