Sep 04, 2006 22:06
My memories are laid: the tri. bog nights. beach nights. megansett sunrises. stony sunsets. flannel sheets. coffee o talk sessions. Lacheys. mini-Lacheys. studio nights. k. fer's basement. the rest of k. fer's house. twixle, my boyfriend. changing clouds. sarah chu's house. "the club." hbo on-demand. belting stellar at the top of our lungs. fuck/kill/marry. "would you rather...?" mcdonald's runs. 1am quests to hyannis. random tours of hidden places with will lee. really good non-sober talks. really good non-sober states of being.
...and in all the people i hung out with this summer.
I'm sitting in my dorm room, pirating some wireless network. I've pretty much just been hanging out with my roomates for the past three hours. They ended up doing some arts and crafts, in which I didn't partake. Not really the arts and crafts type of girl.
I got back here around half past 11. Mike and I went and got books, then went out to eat at the Olive Garden, and while traveling, found an exotic dance club which we will be attending sometime. I guarantee you. Then we spent an hour in BJ's, and I got really excited over bulk. Then we got back here, and helped each other bring all our shit upstairs to our rooms. It was a rather exhausting process. But, as comrads, we succeeded.
I bought four movies at BJ's. I insisted we look at the DVDs first, and I got The Village, Sixth Sense, Shanghai Knights and Gangs of New York, each for like, seven dollars. I started The Village, which I may or may not finish tonight, I haven't decided. But I started feeling antisocial having all my roomates out in the kitchen with my just sitting on my bed, so I integrated.
I need to get up at six tomorrow. To be able to find my class and be on time. At eight. But it's my only class, so basically I'm going to be coming back and sleeping right after it. But I still need to get my history book, so perhaps I'll do that before I collapse on my bed.
I didn't really want to leave Falmouth. I did but I didn't. I don't really know. It's just so comforting there. However, when I got here, I felt like I'd been there for a long time, and I was just coming back. I imagine that's what it'll be like once I've been here for a while and trips to Falmouth really are just visits. But, I still miss everyone. It's not going to be the same without my network readily available. Because they're all 40 minutes away. And some are even farther.
I don't really have much more to say...
But there's beer in the fridge. So, who knows...