I had my first wedding nightmare this morning.

Jul 07, 2006 22:40

So I had my first wedding nightmare this morning. I really hope they're not all like this.

I dreamed that I'd forgotten the date of my wedding, and it was ... tomorrow. And I'd made plans to go into the City, and I went, and I was in what was ostensibly northern Queens, and I'd met up with some very sketchy-looking girls to drop ... something off, and then my mom called me. And she asked me if I was planning on showing up. And I asked where? And she said "TO YOUR WEDDING!"

And so now I'm frantically calling around, and trying to get home when I was already kind of lost, so I jumped on a random bus and started calling EVERYONE I could think of who would be there. And no one would answer their phones. At ALL. And I was in tears, and trying to figure out what subway station I could get to...

And somehow, an hour later, my dad picked me up at a train station. And he dropped me off at the other side of the farm and I ran over to my grandmother's house, which had magically become my wedding venue. And a LOT of people were there and had been waiting, and I found my sister, and I made sure that people had gone ahead and eaten while they were waiting so that we could just get married, dance a little, and leave. And she told me they had, and that a lot of people had had carpaccio. I was more than a little distressed by that, because the caterer is a little over an hour from my grandmother's house, and in the dream, everything was prepared before delivery. So, you know, then I had to worry about whether or not everyone was going to get sick.

And a lot of people I hadn't invited were there. Like cousins I don't like and never see, distant cousins and such. And a lot of the people I'd wanted to have there, weren't. And my mom pulled me into my grandparents' office and put me into my wedding dress, which had turned into the godawful dress from Hell that my aunt had picked out for me when I found my actual dress. (It's really hideous, not to mention uncomfortable as hell.)

And when it was all over, I hadn't gotten a limo, so Chris and I just ran around the house until people left, and then we drove home in our car. Or something.

Thankfully, at that point, the alarm went off, and I woke up to realize that it's July and my wedding day isn't until November, and I don't think I could really do something as stupid as forget what day I'm getting married. But I was so rattled this morning that I had a really shitty morning at work.

Aw, hell, I think I need to go cry again. How the hell do people do this every day?

dreams, wedding

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