
Apr 22, 2006 10:40

crazy fucking dream last night. or rather, this morning. it was light out when i rolled over, and it wasn't till after that that this dream started.

oh_chris and I were on some subway platform. It looked like one of the above-ground A stations in Queens, but supposedly it was a Broadway line (N, I think)(not that I can figure out why we were there). He got a call on his cell phone, and I was just kind of wandering, waiting for a train. He and I both started pacing while he was on the phone, and at some point when we crossed each other's paths, he was talking into the phone about how he regretted that the person had missed their opportunity, because we'd (either gotten married or gotten engaged) just a few days before or after he last lost contact with them. And how he'd wished they'd stayed together.

So, naturally, hearing that he didn't really want to be with me, I ran away. I got off the platform and started walking down whatever street we were on. I found a bridge, and walked with it, and then somehow I was back in New Jersey (even though I'd never crossed the bridge and I was pretty sure we were in Queens). I kept walking, and I wound up at a farm that was ostensibly my parents' farm, even though it was in way North Jersey. I managed to miss my parents by about three seconds, because I saw them crossing the street into some woods and disappearing, but they never saw me. Which I was grateful for, because I didn't want to explain to them how I'd left Chris at a train station and he wasn't even looking for me.

So I wandered around on the farm for, oh, a minute. And then I started seeing all these Hispanic guys surrounding me. Presumably they were migrant workers for the farm, but for some reason all of them looked the same. And they all looked like they wanted to rape me. HOLY FUCK. So I started throwing things at them, because somehow I knew that if I hit them, they'd get frustrated and go away. But apparently my dream self has really shitty aim, because I only hit about four of the 30 or so guys. One of them came around and tried to charge me, so I assaulted him with the luggage I was carrying, and that got him to go away. And then I ran.

I ran through some town until I found a train station. There was a moving walkway, and I got onto that. While I was doing that, I started calling the local and NYC radio stations, having them broadcast to listeners that if anyone saw Chris, to let him know where I was and that I was OK. The moving walkway turned into the train, and I realized I was going the wrong way on the train, so I decided I'd get off at the next stop. Along the way, I was reaching over and helping pull the train along up a mountain ... by clawing at the mountain. I also remember checking my email while I was on the train, and seeing something from Chris that said he couldn't find me and was going to sleep.

And then I woke up. And he was there next to me, and he held me.

But I'm still scared.


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