christmas christmas, whoa whoa

Dec 26, 2004 15:11

owie. holidays are killer.

thursday i got off work at 12, so i snuck out and got chris's last presents and a replacement gift for our friend charles (because we got the wrong one the last time). and then i came home, and chris and i snuggled and napped. then we were going to head out to do some grocery shopping (because we had no food left in the house), and chris's mom called. and said, "go pick up some transformers for your son, from me." GODDAMMIT. so we managed to make it in and out of target in semi-record time (for the night before christmas eve), got my prescription from the drugstore, and went grocery shopping.
that was an adventure and a half. see, i got a $100 AMEX gift certificate from work (for saving the company $75K) that we had been planning to use for christmas shopping and promptly forgot about. plus, i had a 10% off certificate from buying enough groceries from shoprite, so we decided to do a nice big shop. we wound up with $180 worth of groceries for $60. that included a very large whole pork loin that's going to my folks, and a 6-pound rib eye that i cut into steaks and we had steaks for thursday night's dinner. (and we have 5 more in the freezer.)
so friday, we wrapped presents and then went down to my grandparents' house for christmas eve dinner italian style, with the seven fishes and all that. i actually tried the bacalao this year, too(i don't know how to spell it italian-wise, but it's the codfish salad -- it's not bad, but it's not my thing). lots of presentses and stuffses. my son was being really bad about the presents -- he was begging for presents from the first dinner course. then, we went to my parents' house for more presents. my sister gave my son money for karate lessons and a toy, and he said, "what, only one present?" he got yelled at for that one, from all of us. i'm sure he was just overwhelmed, but he was extremely greedy this year.
yesterday we wrapped more presents and headed up to chris's grandma's house in flushing (queens). had a traditional english feast with roast beast, yorkshire pudding, and neat stuff like that. did presents again. then we stopped at crazyasahorse's house and hung out for a little while. then we went down to ozone park and hung out with lou and his family for a while. tried "sissy beer" with lou and his sister -- it was a raspberry lambic, which was very interesting. then we came home and slept.
and slept. we got up this "morning" after noon.
but it was a good christmas. fun was had, booty was gotten, family was loved.
and it's snowing. it's only sticking on part of the road, but it's snowing and it's cute.

booty received:
the lucifer principle by howard bloom
bone (one volume edition) by jeff smith
the genetic code by isaac asimov
the origin of species by charles darwin
harvest moon: a wonderful life for gamecube
rio bravo with john wayne, ricky nelson, and dean martin
a car thermometer/voltmeter
a pine cone wreath handmade by my mom
a set of nesting metal mixing bowls
a crock pot (a replacement for the one we broke)
clinique happy perfume
a mirror and makeup brush set
a sexy pink nightgown
a new charm for my charm bracelet
an electric griddle
a "pasta pro" pasta pot with colander in the lid
a couple of cookbooks, spice grinder, spices, etc. (gift basket)
darwin's radio by greg bear
vitals by greg bear

i know there's more stuff, too, but it's still in the car so i don't remember it.

i'm contemplating taking a nap right now.

i suck.


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