
Oct 05, 2003 20:51

or, in fact, don't.

we just ate a cow.

my parents had a party today. they had a cow cooked. (it was actually closer to half a cow, but still. i met the cow first.)

there were, like, 70 people there, including family and family friends i hadn't seen for YEARS. There were people there I didn't know at all. it was amazing.

and there was enough food that my parents were foisting leftovers on me as though there were a famine setting in. i have never had so much food. at least, not that much roast beef. and it was fucking tasty, too.

i like my family. my family is cool. i spent about half an hour talking with a cousin of mine who i have a very special bond with. (NOT THAT WAY YOU PERVERT.) I haven't talked to her in about a year, so it was really good to get to talk with her again.

plus, mom let some of my extended family come -- lou and charles and fred came down. we all piled in fred's poor beat-up lebaron, and we kissed the pavement a whole lot on the way down, and a whole lot more on the way back. (mmm, cow.)

i just ate a cookie, and it was too much. you KNOW it's a good party when that happens.

party, family bullshit

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