strange days have found us

Sep 30, 2004 20:11

it started because I have a guilty conscience, I think. I was waiting for my supervisor (Pam) to come back from her meeting, so that I could make sure she had all the information she needed and wouldn't be staying too late today. I waited, and at 4:50 pm, this girl Becky came running over looking for Pam. I told her Pam was in a meeting, and she asked me if I could give Pam a ride to her nail appointment instead of Becky doing it, because Pam wasn't back yet and Becky needed to leave. Of course, I agreed. 10 minutes later, Pam came running back from her meeting; I told her what was going on, and she agreed with it, and we were on our way. I mentioned that I was thinking of leaving early tomorrow to go to the doctor, since I've been having some trouble with congestion and a sore throat the past couple of days, and I asked her about one of those urgent care places that she'd been to previously. She happened to mention that they were open until 9 pm, and I decided to go over there today instead of tomorrow.

So I went to the doctor, worrying that I was getting strep throat, since that's what siobhan1 had when she was visiting and because I'm extremely prone to strep throat and upper respiratory/sinus infections and ear infections. I found out that (surprise surprise) I very likely am having an allergic flare-up, and am on the verge of a sinus infection/ear infection (as in, if I had gone tomorrow, I would have been in misery instead of mild pain). So I felt dumb for not having strep throat like I thought, but not as dumb as I could have been, because I'm nipping an infection in the bud. What's funny is that on the way to the pharmacy, I started feeling like I was getting an ear infection, and now (I haven't taken anything yet) I'm starting to feel sinus pressure. But I've been prescribed Allegra (which was AWESOME the last time I had it -- I actually felt really good) and Zithromax, which is this heavy-duty antibiotic therapy that's three pills (1 x 3 days) that lasts for 7 days.

Went to the pharmacy. There, I discovered that my gyno was nice enough to extend my BCP prescription for three months instead of just one (yay!). Then, I waited around to get the rest of my prescriptions, and weighed myself and got my blood pressure/pulse taken, as I traditionally do every month when I go. So far, I've lost a total of 15 pounds since I was last officially weighed by my doctor. Which isn't much, considering it's, like, 4% of my total mass, but given that I've actually been trying but not too hard, it's cool. And I was reading the People 30th anniversary issue while I was waiting, and that brought back some funky memories.

So I finally got my drugs, and stopped at the local convenience store for dinner (they make sandwiches, shut up). While in line, I started chatting with this guy about my cat, and his cats, and it was cool. It reminded me yet again of how easily I connect with people on a superficial level and how amazed I am that y'all are still interested enough in me to come back for more. :) But I haven't been that chatty in a while, so it was fun. And we were talking about how lucky my cat is, because she was a shelter baby and now she has a loving home.

And then I get home, park my car, open my door, and this ... THING comes running across the street at me and nearly jumps in my car. I look down, and it's a little teeny tiny dog. A chihuahua (which is Mexican for "fucking rat dog"), unfortunately, and not a cute little puppy that would've grown into a cute big dog like I like. But still, it was kind of nice to get puppy love again. So I try to get into the police station across the street to turn the dog in, but it's locked. So I get out my phone and try to call them and let them know I found the dog, when the Animal Control van pulls into the parking lot of the police station. So I walk over and tell them what happened, and they talk to the cop who's there -- apparently, they had found the dog, and put it in the onyl kennel they had, but the dog was so little it got right out and ran across the street. I had felt so bad for the thing, I almost took it in to our apartment, but the cat would have been rightly pissed off by that. It was just amazing, though, that the Animal Control people came up right when I was trying to figure out what to do. Hopefully, it too will get a good home (or go back to its good home).

OK, so maybe it wasn't as strange as it could've been, but it's the most that's happened to me in a while, so nyeh.

Only thing is, I got so wrapped up in all this other shit that I still haven't gotten Chris's surprise birthday gift. (I've gotten him one big one already, but he knows about it and isn't getting it for a couple of weeks. I still need to get him something to open.)

Ah well. There's always tomorrow...

cat, work complaints, owie

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