fucking fake fucking summer fucking sucks.

Jun 28, 2004 08:03

I've been up since 5. I don't normally get up until 7. Coupled with the late night last night, I got 5 hours of sleep.

So, of course, the time I should have been sleeping was spent tossing, turning, and torturing oh_chris instead. I know he doesn't believe me, but I really do feel incredibly guilty about the whole thing. I mean, he wasn't sleeping well, by any stretch, but he was at least sleeping, and I should've left him that way.

So, this morning, I'm groggy AND cranky. Yay.

At least we know what the problem is. Not that I can do anything about it, but at least we know. This is the problem: it's warm enough during the day to warrant air conditioning. Since oh_chris is home all day, I have no problem with having it in. Plus, it's really lovely to come home to a nice cool house. Not to mention that the many nights in May required it, having been above 70 most nights that month (and not in the 40s where we can actually sleep properly at night). However, the past week or so the weather has been annoyingly pleasant. "Pleasant" meaning quite toasty during the day, but cold enough at night that my bathroom with the open window is colder than my bedroom with the AC. And I can't be taking the AC in and out of the window every time the fucking weather changes. So I guess I'll just be living with what little sleep I can get until the weather either warms up enough that the damn compressor goes on more than twice an hour (I was awake, I counted) or cools down enough that we no longer need the AC. And when I wake up, I just have to make sure I get up so that Mr. O can get the sleep he needs, too. And then, eventually, I'll be tired enough that I just won't care anymore and I'll start sleeping through the night again. (HA! Like that'll happen.)

Sweetie, I'm really sorry about this morning. I really am.

who needs sleep?

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