
Jun 02, 2004 22:38

o/~ domesticay-ay-ation...

I finished the last load of dishes tonight. Those of you who lived around me in college know what a feat this is. Plus, we have two sets of everything (except glasses, which we have about 5 sets of), and almost everything was dirty when we started, so you can just imagine how bad it was.

I also cleaned most of the rest of the kitchen last night, while on the phone with mcmiller. People should call me more often; I'm so much more productive when I'm on the phone. :)

We bought a vacuum tonight. A Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless. I demanded the bagless for the cat hair. Goddamn, though, is that thing powerful. Either that, or we have a spare cat and a spare person (of dust) that I don't know about. We emptied the cup twice, and banged another big handful out of the HEPA filter. (God bless HEPA filtration.) Granted, the old vacuum died a while ago -- when mkbscratch, m0xiee, and jennoa were here in April, actually. So the floor was a little icky. Thankfully, lconover and cotter_salem were forgiving last weekend. mcmiller and awmiller, this will be the cleanest our apartment has been since we stopped living with oh_chris's mom. The cat, incidentally, is mightily traumatized, mostly because I vacuumed in her room, too.

OK, I practically named more users there than I have friends.

In other news, I exercised last night for the first time in .. a long time. We have 5-lb. weights that I used. And fuck, am I sore. I wish I could have been able to go for a walk tonight, but it rained hard for quite some time, so instead of exercising, I fucking fell asleep. I was trying to break the nap-after-work habit, dammit. But tomorrow night, more weights, and Friday, a walk. Saturday will be more walking, of course, and Sunday will hopefully be chasing the kid around. I'm trying, I really am. Of course, a lot of this came from mcmiller's discussion of BMIs. While I never have agreed with the statistical representation of what I'm supposed to weigh, it did kind of shock me that I would need to be two people to fall into my recommended weight. And that's after I've lost weight. (I have. I lost, like, 15 pounds since July 2003. Yeah, fuck you. It's still something.)

Wow. My life is sad. I don't have anything else to say. Work sucks, as usual. Life goes on.

And by the way, congratulations to m0xiee on her third interview! Woo fucking hoo! *balloons*

household complaints, friends

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