(no subject)

Feb 04, 2004 11:20

bleah. it's one of those mornings.

things of note:

luba's a talker. she craves attention, which she gets, but if you walk away, she lectures you when you come back. she's very happy in the studio; we're slowing warming her up to the rest of the house, but she really likes her room.

work has been ... stressful, to say the least. things keep going wrong, so we keep having these big investigations that piss off the company. and it's not because we screw up or anything, but because things aren't working the way they're supposed to.

plus, this stupid validation project is a little more than halfway over. we finished the first lot (9 tests, NO retests!), and it's almost ready to send out, but i want to have Pam look at it first. we'll have 1 retest (out of 9 tests) on the second lot, and the third lot isn't coming for another week. so far, our track record is WAY better than anticipated (we were expecting to retest about 9 or 10 times, out of the 27 total tests, just because the test sucks), which is great, because we keep failing tests that normally pass... :)

i've discovered that having the cat is having an unexpected side effect -- i'm feeling much more responsible and am taking much better care of the house. i mean, it's cleaner than it's been since december, i'm actually doing dishes and putting away clothes, and we've been taking trash out instead of leaving it until it's overflowing. i'm trying to make the house a little more cat-friendly by not exposing her to dangerous stuff like knives lying around or plastic bags on the floor; i hope it works.

i know i said i got a raise before. well, see, it still hasn't gone through yet. i haven't seen my paycheck from last week, but unless it's, like, close to double what it's supposed to be, i'm going to be REALLY pissed off. I have 3.5 hours of overtime, plus my raise was retroactive for three weeks already; i want my MONEY!


plus, chris is upset because of something that happened with a friend. it's very angering, to me, because he's been hurt by this friend before, and i don't want it to happen again. i worry about him. a lot. i hope we hear from Rutgers soon, so that he has something to look forward to. i was hoping the cat would help lift his spirits, too, but she doesn't seem to be having quite the effect i was looking for. we'll see, though. i worry about you, sweetie. i just want you to be happy.

(insert segue here)...

here, check this out. it's not a bomb, but they found something over there.

you know, i've been reading this book about the most evil men and women in the world, and i'd really like to see a full account of what he did, and how many people he actually killed, for comparison. i mean, yeah, the guy was a bastard, but was he REALLY as bad as, say, Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot?

Or maybe I'm just being vicious.

OR maybe my mind is wandering because I'm hungry but I'm waiting for noon so I can go to lunch with Kristine.

Mmm. food.

cat, chris, work complaints

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