
Feb 01, 2009 18:08

Someday I will get around to making my own 101 things in 1001 days list. Chris and I have talked about sharing one, but we've decided to see how far we can get on our own individual ones first. He thinks our goals are too divergent, which is a little distressing, because we still have to live together :P However, he massages me at the drop of a hat, so I'm keeping him. Not yours, can't have. (OK, I might share. Sometimes.)

Work is stressful. We're short-handed and will continue to be so. We're under more pressure than ever to deliver on time, and on more projects, and with less people AND less time to do so. It's a challenge. So far, we've been able to handle it. We'll have to see how it goes, though. Suki has been just incredible, though. I can rely on her for just about anything, and she just rolls with it. We work exceptionally well together, for which I am incredibly grateful. I do need to spend some time working on my group proposal - I see now just how necessary it is, and I regret not taking the time to do it before now.

I am still struggling with trying to take care of me, though. I'm making an effort to take time for myself every day. This, of course, has left very little time for elsething, which is why I've been so quiet lately. However, it is definitely making a noticeable difference. I've lost over 10 pounds (not sure exactly how much, but it was 8 pounds a week and a half ago), and dropped 2 inches each from my waist and hips, since the beginning of the year. Naturally, if I was smart, I would have done this BEFORE my brother's wedding, but oh well.

My father is doing well. He had back surgery last Friday (10 days ago), and he's recovering well. Most importantly, the pain doesn't show in his face as much. I know he still is in pain, but it's changing, and it's not as deeply rooted anymore. That's an important change for him, because he's just had so much debilitation for so long. It's good to see that change in him, even though he is still struggling right now.

What sucks is that they're going to give up the farm. It's hard for me, because that's what has defined my family for so long. But it's time, I think. He's been ready, and now my grandfather can hardly do anything either... but it will be very different, I think. My family has never been "normal", and now they're teetering on that, at least outwardly.

So if you know anyone who might be interested in buying a farm, in New Jersey... let me know. :P

Anyway. I need to make another batch of cupcakes for work tomorrow. I love you guys, and I hope all is well with you all. I've been reading LJs sporadically, so if there's anything you want me to see, just let me know.

weight loss issues, work complaints, goals, family bullshit

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