recovery plans

Mar 17, 2008 22:12

So this will have to wait until I have clearance from my doctor to exert so much, but I want to get back into competitive walking. It was fun, I got to hang out with people I like and meet new people, and it was rewarding for me. Finishing made me feel good, even when it was my first race and I finished last by minutes. (Shut up, it was 96 degrees, I shouldn't have competed at all.)

To that end, I want to get back into walking at all.

I've plotted out a 5K course, as well as a 2mi, a 10K (which would require a ride, but it's oh_chris's old library, where he still works sometimes, so it would be intended for me to arrive there near when he would leave), and a 13mi, if I get really ambitious. I also mapped the distance to the towpath along the Delaware and Raritan Canal, which runs all the way out to Pennsylvania and to Perth Amboy (I think, maybe only to New Brunswick, which is still fucking far). So I have options, depending on my ability and my boredom/skill level.

My intention is to do a 5K every weekend, and at least 2mi twice a week, probably Monday and Wednesday or Monday and Thursday nights. Depending if I work on increasing my speed, I may increase to a 5K during the week and more on the weekends.

One advantage is that the 5K route also forces me to see the town, so I might get to find some new places and things. And I have the option to do a "nature walk" if I choose, along the canal. I can also always go to the park after work like I used to, to change it up a little. This is more just to get me out of the fucking house and back into walking.

I was kind of hoping to talk oh_chris into joining me once in a while, but I'm not counting on it. That's what iPods are for.

It's going to have to wait a little bit, because I still need a shopping cart to walk long distances, but that's getting better too. I figure it'll be May before I can do it, and up until then I have some gardening to figure out anyway. I want to at least plant some things along the fence and in the front yard, even if I can't finagle a vegetable plot yet. But that's another issue.

weight loss issues, walking, owie

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