you know what sucks?

Jun 25, 2007 21:43

persistent back strain, plus osteoarthritis in the hips, plus moving.

i'm running chris into the ground. seriously. he's falling the fuck apart. but he's basically doing everything himself, because i can't do nearly enough to make a significant difference, and help has been distressingly scant. (when we needed it, anyway. I know people did offer, but most of the people who offered could only help on days that we couldn't do anything.)

what sucks even more is that i think that a lot of the damage in my hips came from four episodes of trying to teach myself to run. and now, because of that, unless i lose half my body weight, there's a good chance that i'll NEVER be able to run. walk, yes. run, no.

god, i'm dumb.

i am still thinking about that whole bike thing...

anyway. most of what we're doing is moving what little is left (probably about 6-7 car loads worth, I'd guesstimate), and cleaning the fuck out of there.

we met the new tenant in apt 4 (the studio) tonight. man, i wish he'd been there when we moved in. we probably could have actually had someone to hang out with. however, if i can swing it with the landlady, he might buy our washer and dryer. so that'd be nice. he'd wanted to work out a deal with us anyway, so this works well.

i'm going to need to figure out when we can have a yard sale. first we have to have time, but we need to do it. we have a lot of utter crap that we just don't need. i mean, we've got rollerblades that we bought in 1999 or 2000 that we used, um... five times? if that. i've got chotchkes out the wazoo. lamps and overhead light fixtures. used computer equipment (that might get donated to the library). the list goes on. and frankly, i'd much rather have the space and money.

the even more interesting thing is going to be being able to have matt and jess stay with us in two weeks. at least we have the 4th off to unpack. i promise it will at least be livable. (i will lose my sanity if it's not. i can't stand all these fucking boxes, and we just keep piling more on top of them.)


i just feel like ... you know those older folks who are so arthritic that they're all folded up? i feel like that. i *feel* like my legs aren't in the right place. i feel like i could be one of those old people. i'm terrified of turning out like that. like my grandmother, with her toes folded under each other. like my dad, who's quite literally falling apart at the age of 54. (i swear people are going to start thinking he's a leper, especially if he keeps up with the goddamn injuries to his hands.)

i'm also quite rambly tonight. probably because a) i'm exhausted, and b) i've been thinking about a lot of this for a while, without really talking about it. so it's kind of just all jumping out of me at once.

i'm going to crawl to bed and lay under the stars. (at least i have that to look forward to.)

new house, owie

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