Feb 08, 2010 22:51
Yup, our place is disgusting. So gross that I was unable to vacuum our bedroom with only one vacuum... the first one broke, or overheated. It just stopped working. And it's the newer one... a nice dirt devil with attachment. Grrr... oh, well. I hope it works tomorrow because I still got another chunk of the bedroom and the rest of the place to vacuum in the next few days. My asthma and allergies are going CRAZY right now. amen for Bendryl! That's gonna help me completey pass out sneeze free in an hour or so .
Nate and I had a somewhat serious talk the other day (while drunk) LOL. It was mainly me being really drunk and discussing what needs to be done in order for us to start looking at getting our own place. A non-rental type of own place. Of course we would have to be able to actually take care of the place we have now which is why I am in the process of cleaning.... I'm going to be doing some heavy duty cleaning. Meaning that in order to do what needs to be done I basically need everything in our apartment to explode first.
I'm one of those people who cleans by throwing everything into the middle of the room, apartment, house what ever the case may be and then I slowly go through it and make it all organized. it's an extremely time consuming and (to anyone who lives with you) annoying way to go about cleaning. So, while drunk, I explained to Nate that in order for me to truly and finally clean/organize our place I needed to basically cause the entire apartment to explode. It will take me about a month to do everything I want and need to do.
Here is how I plan to go about this:
Step one was to move the giant ugly tv stand/dresser thing out of the living room and into the garage. It took up a lot of space, was ugly, and needed to go. That has been done.
Step two: throw all clothes, shoes, other accessories, and general stuff from the bedroom out into the living room. If it's in a place where I will always see it I am more likely to go through it all and clean it). The reason I'm doing this craziness is to get everything outta our bedroom and finally organize it. 95% of the mess in our bedroom is my clothes and crap. When we moved in I didn't have a clothes or general stuff organization system. Nate had both his dressers moved into the apartment: one that he used (and still uses) for clothes and one that he used to store his filing box, video games, and other electronic thingies. Well, this second ended up being "mine". It has to small door that open up to a 2.5 foot shelf, and one long thin drawer up top... yeah, my clothes have never actually stayed in there for more than maybe two days at a time. I'm more of a hang up all shirts and only fold pants type person. So.... I finally bought more hangers. Got a rubbermaid set of drawer for my chons, bras, socks, etc. Now I just need to be able to get to it in the closet... the closet is blocked my stuff.
Anyway, the whole point of this exercise is to just go through everything and get rid of what I don't need, want, wear, or what doesn't fit (which is quite a bit). If I do this right I will lose 50% of my wardrobe but more than likely I'll only manage to get rid of 25%.
Once the bedroom is completely done: clothes all cleaned or taken to Goodwill, mirror (finally) hung on the wall, bookcase (the one in the box needing to be assembled) up, second weird dresser that Nate brought in the man cave with the TV on it... then I can move on to the bathroom.
Bathroom: I basically just need to do some serious scrubbing of the bathtub again, we might need to fix our toilet I'm not sure if it's running or if I just always hear it right after someone's gone in there... , and I need to go through ALL my hair, makeup, etc. products and throw out or donate what I don't use. I need to let Nate have some space... he definitely deserves more than a drawer... and a small drawer at that. Plus, I really don't use all that much product. I'll keep a majority of the make-up and hair stuff but I really just need to organize and clean.
After Bathroom will come the kitchen. Again, it needs an organizational overhaul.
The last thing i will do will be the living room. I'm planning on doing a complete rearrangement in there. I'm thinking that once everything else is organized the living room wiill just come naturally. I guess I'm in an organization/almost nesting mode. (I'm not nesting, its just something similar mentally).
Anyway, we will have lived here 2 years on the 16th and I feel like we've only been crashing here... not living here. I want it to be so that we're living here... if you get my drift.
I'm hoping that once everything is organized... once everything has it's place and there's a place for everything... I will (and Nate will) be more adult about our living situation.
Oh, and don't think that Nate's not helping in any of this or that he doesn't help in general... he's usually the one that does the left side of the house: man cave, bathroom, kitchen.... the icky stuff. I just need to do my part (bedroom, living room). I'm just planning an entire overhaul of the whole place.
I wonder if this is a normal chick thing (rearranging every few years) or if it's just a me and my mom thing...
Oh, and I got rid of my cable... so I might be on LJ more. ;)