Apr 12, 2004 18:18
oh god damnit. ok i just had my whole weekend up here and then i clicked a link expecting it to pop up in a new window but no so now my thing is erased. so now im gonna sum it up
wendsday greatest night ever with melissa. went to dyke and fishing peer. moon was so kool and the light house and lissa and wow it was great. almost like a dream it was too perfect.
thursday practice got to hang with my band which i hadent done in a while
friday went with melissa to lees. they are kool guys. went to jack in the box mmmm tacos. melissa and i passed out on the couch
saturday long day. woke up in galveston drove back with barely enough time to shower before i had to do sound for a wedding. after that had 30 min before i had to go run a show at kourage. me and tee ate at taco cabana. i called cruz and he came and we went to galveston. i fucking cop had his lights off and turned them on right as i passed thats so illegal that basterd. but in the end it was worth it because i got to see lissa again. we had a great night cruz had fun me and lissa stayed up talkin(sorrY) woke up about 3. i left my ring at lees i hope none of the cats eat it.
sunday barely made it back in time. i had 5 min to get ready for the darkness before britney got there. the show fuckin rocked! stoped by whataburger on the way home. got online to say night to lissa. passed out in my nice warm bed.
today had to wake up to go to class but afterwards i took a nice long nap. then a shower now i feel good.
greatest weekend EVER! IN THE WORLD BIZATCH!!!
peace, love, and rock,
oh yea another run got a .com, www.anotherrun.com check it out!