I'm not busy at the moment, if you're up for it.
If it's not too much trouble
Not at all. :-)
Is there anything in particular you want to know about?
*Bites lip* I think I'd be more comfortable with another general reading
Without the fictive in the way
*offers a hug* It's okay. Remember, these things aren't set in stone, the future's not set in stone.
Even the worst reading can be changed.
Of this, I'm aware
Just out of curiosity, are you a he-mun or a she-mun? :-)
I'm He-Mun, by the power of Grayskull
Do you want a name? I'm not shy
Naw, that's okay. Already laid out the cards regardless.
You might want to log, if you aren't, to keep hold of this.
How do I?
You're on mIRC?
Click on the box in the upper-left-hand corner, go to 'buffer', then click 'save and log as'.
Then give the log a name, like tarot.log or something.
* Logging Edana_ni_Emer to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Edana_ni_Emer.DarkMyst.log'
Ah, okay
N/P. :-
:-), even.
The first card represents you. The King of Cups. You much prefer keeping your emotions hidden to waving them around everywhere. You'd also rather be the power behind the throne than the king.
The second card crosses you. The Page of Cups. This is a card of ideas. There's something perking around in your head that you're not sure whether you should act on.
The third card is your distant past foundations. The Heirophant. For a long time, not making waves was very important to you. When you were younger it was far more important for you to be liked, than known.
The fourth card is more recent past. The Ace of Cups, reversed. There's been a relationship in your life that you've been reluctant to embrace. Part of it's been fear, but part of it's been your own ego on some level.
Oy gevalt
The fifth card is future influences. The Knight of Wands. Hastiness, impetiousness, and possibly a change of residence. Lots of comings and goings in general.
Kind of running around like a chicken with your head cut off for a while.
The sixth card is your Path. The Five of Swords, reversed. There's still a *chance* that things will turn out nasty, but it's less than you think, and less than it might have been. You do have to watch out for someone who wants to cheat you, though.
Or for the temptation to cheat someone else. If you do, and you win, it's not going to feel nearly as nice as you think it will.
The seventh card is you in relation to the reading. The Moon. You're hiding a *hell* of a lot. Lots of secrets in every corner. You're having a hard time feeling like you can trust anybody, even yourself.
The eighth card is outside influences. The Two of Swords. There's been a temporary cease-fire in your immediate vicinity, but all it's left is a feeling of 'what now?'. You're drifting, and you don't know where you should go or what you should do next.
The ninth card is your inner emotions. The Wheel of Fortune. You feel that things are entirely out of your hands, like you don't have much of an influence over the events in your own life.
The tenth card is your final results. The Chariot, reversed. If you let yourself get lead around by the nose, you're going to trip and fall. Draw back a little and learn to focus a little, and to watch where you're going. You need to quit doing the Kermit-Flail in general, and settle down some, or you're gonna get yourself in trouble.
Are there any bits in there you want clarification on?
I, uh...
And more importantly, are you okay?
Four and Six.
Session Time: Wed Mar 30 00:00:00 2005
Fourth position: The Empress and the High Priestess, both reversed. You may have been right to avoid that relationship. She's reading like a selfish wench, and one that would have wrecked your life.
Sixth position: The Tower, and the Seven of Wands, the latter reversed. Um... I hope you're not too attached to the way things are right now, 'cause it ain't gonna last. Your own hesitation and doubt is going to end up tossing things in a cocktail shaker and handing it to a bartender suffering from seventeen-espressos-in-five-minutes caffeine jitters. Understand that *nothing* is going to be the same when it's done.
It won't necessarily be a *bad* thing, but if you want things to settle out in your favor, you're going to have to make them. And it's not going to be easy.
* Edana_ni_Emer patpats. "I don't mean to be a drag, but are you sure you're okay?"
You're just very good with the cards.
*smiles* Thanks. I take it some stuff is hitting kinda close to home?
Just remember that even though you *feel* like it's all out of your hands... it isn't. You can and should bust your buns if you want things to come out well.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do?
I will
Thanks a lot