Apr 04, 2006 20:47
is it just me, or does it seem like alot of people are insanely unhappy right now? i have felt so down in the dumps lately. what the deal?
im so ready to get out of the shithole, but i feel like i shouldnt be dreading going to school everyday. its like, if you accept something, the easier it becomes to bear and the faster time seems to pass, but if you dread something as much as i dread walking through the cinderblock hallways, time drags by slower than... well, you fill in the blank, i am not a creative person. ive noticed that the weeks that seem to go by the fastest are the ones filled with espresso, laughter, and nights hanging out with people who dont go to hf. (there are a few exceptions, and i cherish your company my babies). im ready to leave. im ready to leave. im ready to LEAVE! but i dont know where to go... what do i do after i no longer have the walls of hf sinking daily into what smells like a pile of burning shit slathered on rotten eggs? i dont want to dread going to school. i would like to say that i always have my friends to get me through a long day, but the people i associate myself with arent necessarily my friends. (again, except for the few of you. be cool my babies, this is not an attack on you)
i am not happy at holy family. i need to leave, for my sanity.
gah, ok, apologies. this is filled with complaints and 'woe to me' sort of stuff.
so to end on a good note:... ummm...
ok, i'll think of a cheerful something later.