Mozart Concert

Jan 30, 2006 21:17

Tell me something. How is it humanly possible to burn a bag of popcorn when it's only been in the microwave for a minute and a half? I smelled it burning and I was like what the crap? It was still popping like normal too! Ugh. I only could ruin a bag of popcorn so early. Now my room's gonna smell for two days.

In other news, everything's fine and dandy. Last week wasn't all too eventful. In choir we basically prepared for our Mozart concert which was this weekend at Round Top. It went really well. The place we sang in was absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous! But they set up these white plastic chairs for the audience. They looked like lawn chairs. They kind of took away from the beauty of the building. But anyways, I felt kinda bad for our new Pollards last week, they weren't going to be performing at the concert so they just had to sit there in the corner for the entire week doing nothing. But now they get to sing with us. Today we got our choir's song for Showcase and it's a Wizard of Oz medley! It's sooooo much fun! It has a few solos and I think I'm gonna try out for one of them.

On Friday, Caitlin was hosting a January Goth Valentine's Party. It was tons of fun. We made sure that everyone was wearing black eyeliner and dark lipstick. Even the boys! Only half of us there were in Century Singers, and most of the non-CSers were drinking. So at 12:30 the sober half of us left and went to Lisa, Brynn, and ErinElise's for some Speed Uno and good ol' conversation. It was a blast!

I just wanted to mention that my parents are currently on a cruise ship in the Galapagos Islands. And I'm jealous.

I don't like my microeconomics class. It's very very very very boring. Snore.

My dinosaur class is a bunch of fun. In lab we got to play with toy dinosaurs! How cool is that?

Oooooooooh! Great Diseases rocked today! Dr. Tizard came to speak today. He's Irish! We're starting to study Plague (aka The Great Plague or Black Death). We got to watch an awesome video today. Dude, plague killed 1/4 of China's population and 1/3 of Europe's population! That's millions and millions of people! How amazing is that? And it still exists today. In the US even. And its adapting so that antibiotics aren't as effective as they used to be. Creepy. But cool.

My old voice teacher, Amy Zimmerman, and I finally got in touch this weekend. After she moved to Ohio during the summer, we couldn't contact each other. She totally had new contact info and anytime I would try to reply, my message wouldn't go through. But now, the email works so that's all very exciting! It had been so long. I mean, in my first email to her I got to tell her that I had made Century Singers!

I just realized I'm wearing headphones but not listening to any music.... oh well. They're keeping my ears warm.

I have a new userpic and made a new layout. I like it!

That's all. Good night and good luck.

I'm hungry. And I'm too scared to try another bag of popcorn.
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