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Apr 15, 2008 03:31

What the hell are Social Links?

00 The Fool
Shikamaru Nara - lazyish
The hero, the naive spirit in search of experience.

An ordinary teenager whose only goal in life was to remain ordinary until he almost lost the people he cared about most and discovered his hidden potential to protect them. In his personal journey, he must learn to shoulder responsibility with bravery and accept his flaws without allowing himself to be crushed by them.

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01 The Magician
Yosuke Hanamura - waitingfora
Action, energy, initiative, manipulation, conviction.

Shikamaru and Yosuke weren't always close. They started off as casual school acquaintances who occasionally hung out. However, Shikamaru discovered Yosuke in the park one evening, his arms and legs severed from his body. He'd been attacked and left to die but Shikamaru saved his life. While Yosuke was recovering, Shikamaru spent a lot of time taking care of him, and the two almost became romantically involved before Yosuke backed down. They decided to be "just friends", until Yosuke's Shadow told Shikamaru that Yosuke had just been using him all along, and subsequently threw him out a window and left him for dead. When Yosuke later explained what his Shadow was, and what it meant, they mended their relationship. These days, it's the truth about Shikamaru that threatens their friendship, while he keeps dark secrets and Yosuke harbors jealous resentment over Shikamaru's achievements.

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Rank 09: reversed
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02 The High Priestess
Not Established Yet - Unknown
Intuition, sensitivity, distance, wisdom, patience.

Not established yet.

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03 The Empress
Not Established Yet - Unknown
Maternity, prosperity, comfort, attraction, health.

Not established yet.

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04 The Emperor
Vargret - ARDEINAE
Paternity, authority, order, inflexibility, discipline.

Vargret was originally just a police officer who frequently took Shikamaru and his brother into custody for breaking stupid laws. However, an event rewrote their memories and now Shikamaru remembers Vargret as the foster father who took him in when his parents were brutally murdered and has raised him since he was a small child. Shikamaru holds a lot of respect for Vargret but he's pretty sure his dad thinks he's a loser and regrets taking him in. He wants his dad to be proud of him but he doesn't even know where to start, since he feels like he gets punished even when he does something brave and good. Ultimately, he's afraid to show Vargret who he really is because he doesn't want to lose the only family he's ever had.

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05 The Hierophant
Light Yagami - vigilancy
Conservatism, deception, duality, tradition, religion.

Light is a detective at the police station where Shikamaru works as an intern. They don't know each other very well yet, although they do sometimes have lunch together. He seems like one of the more competent members of the police force but his seriousness intimidates Shikamaru a little.

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06 The Lovers
Yaha - utterlydevoted
Sexuality, choice, doubt, dilemma, romance.

Shikamaru has known Yaha since he was very young due to the way Yaha practically stalks his father. Nowadays they work together at the station, although thankfully have little contact with each other. Yaha has frequently shown inappropriate sexual interest in Shikamaru despite his age, which disgusts Shikamaru and absolutely infuriates Hidan. Ever since Yaha confessed to raping Hidan (which he didn't actually do, but confessed to anyway), Shikamaru has been holding onto the evidence in case he ever needs a favor.

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07 The Chariot
Naruto Uzumaki - ramenluvr
Willpower, impulse, conquest, bravery, pride.

Shikamaru's classmate.

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Max Rank:

08 Justice
Not Established Yet - Unknown
Impartiality, logic, decisions, insensitivity, responsibility.

Not established yet.

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09 The Hermit
Souji Kazama - sagittariinae
Introspection, solitude, philosophical, guidance, retreat.

Kazama is Yosuke's senpai and Itachi's kouhai. They only met briefly at Itachi's mansion, but Shikamaru was able to gain some understanding of his personality even then from watching how he jumped to defend Itachi, and knowing all that he's done for Yosuke. Even though Kazama was ready to kill him, and Shikamaru knows that he wouldn't have hesitated, he thinks highly of the man for his loyalty.

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10 The Wheel of Fortune
Not Established Yet - Unknown
Opportunities, fate, surprises, development, expansion.

Not established yet.

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11 Strength
Kisame Hoshigaki - seeingeyeshark
Self-control, perseverance, composure, moderation, compassion.

Shikamaru happened to witness Kisame approaching Itachi when he asked to join Akatsuki. Even if his physical appearance is strange and intimidating, Shikamaru could tell he was a nice guy.

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12 The Hanged Man
Itachi Uchiha - pogromanate
Sacrifice, surrender, acceptance, conformism, waiting.

Shikamaru didn't have the greatest first impression of Itachi. Minutes after they met, Itachi threw two kunai at his head, aiming to kill. But it turned out to be a test, because Itachi knew that Shikamaru was a ninja. After revealing that to Shikamaru, the boy begged Itachi to take him as a student. Itachi is an effective but strict teacher, but Shikamaru appreciates him.

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13 Death
Deidara - tonguejob
Loss, transition, transformation, sadness, change.

Shikamaru normally hates Hidan's friends, but Deidara is an exception. The three of them swore to protect each other and train together during the military's campaign against "mutants", and it was Deidara who watched over Shikamaru when Yosuke attacked him and Hidan vanished. Shikamaru has started to see Deidara like another older brother. His death made him realize just how important Deidara has become to him.

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14 Temperance
Not Established Yet - Unknown
Harmony, balance, equilibrium, healing, unification.

Not established yet.

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15 The Devil
Hidan - holyish
Temptation, ignorance, obsession, anger, hedonism.

Shikamaru's brother.

Rank 01:
Rank 02: reversed
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16 The Tower
Sasuke Uchiha - emonojutsu
Chaos, crisis, disillusion, ruin, downfall.

Shikamaru's classmate.

Rank 01: reversed
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Max Rank:

17 The Star
Love, trust, tranquility, hope, inspiration.

Shikamaru's kouhai.

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Rank 09:
Max Rank:

18 The Moon
Tohru Adachi - cabbagecop
Tension, deceit, confusion, fear, imagination.

Shikamaru's co-worker.

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19 The Sun
Selphie Tilmitt - GAMBLERSELPHIE
Optimism, enlightenment, happiness, enthusiasm, assurance.

Shikamaru's former schoolmate.

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Max Rank:

20 Judgement - Shikamaru Nara - lazyish
The hero looks back on the path he has traveled.

Not established yet.

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21 The World
NeoGenesis - neo-rpg
Represents the individual's full awareness of his place in the world.

The city, his false home.

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Max Rank:


Other individuals who Shikamaru meets, friendly or not.

Placeholder - Placeholder



Pixel cards are courtesy of emoji @ here. Used with permission.


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