Mar 06, 2011 21:41
say hello to my supervisor soon!
haven't start studying gg!
the girls are back from hong kong already
can't wait for their photos to be uploaded!
haven't been to much countries :(
looking forward to go more countries
when i save up more money (that is.)
Anyway my tuition kid is such a pain
if he is my kid, i wouldn't hesitate to say hello to his butt
but anyway he is an adorable one lah
he has his good points but let's hope he would be able to handle the stress given to him
so friday was tuition night
my tuition kid's mummy gave me two packets of nasi lemak to eat
fat to eat at such late timing
but well im not regretting
since i walked pretty much the next day
so saturday was waking up early to accompany ts to a seminar at tanjong pagar,
well its interesting
but of course, i wouldn't be interested in investment
after the talk we walked around aimlessly
before deciding to head to maxwell market
but ended walking into a temple
ts kept saying that he went to the temple before
very similar to the one in chinatown
i insisted that its not because i recalled that its not like that
but well i was wrong
we were amused that one exit was towards tanjong pagar which is near maxwell market
the other exit was chinatown!
didn't know tanjong pagar and chinatown was just a stone's throw away!
so we went around the temple
saw several museums
amused with buddhism
but no, i'm not going to be like A =p
i bet ts is trying to starve me because we only ate lunch at 2 plus
so it was vegetarian since we were in a temple
then it was walking around chinatown since ts's stomach wasn't satisfied with the serving of cha siew rice
so we went to the dessert store which my sister brought me over
oh yes, did i say ts nearly wanted to kill me?
because i brought him to walk round and round only to realise that i pointed to the wrong direction
and he hate walking in a hot weather
so we ate mango sago with pomelo, not bad lah
afterwards we walked around, saw people's park hawker centre
settled at KFC to let him connect to WIFI so as to decide what to eat at night
since eating out on a saturday night
its best to reserve seats
in the end i suggested to eat vegetarian since its chu yi
this is the first time i ate chai for the entire day man
so in the end we decided to eat I WANNA GET STUFFED at night
so called and reserved
wandered aimlessly and walked from chinatown to city hall to clarke quay
sat down at central since i was tired
so stoned a little at there
until we decided to hop onto a bus to kallang leisure park
i was AMUSED that he doesn't know kallang leisure park
because he pointed to an area with only KFC and Mac
he still told me that he went there to do his project before
i was still thinking why he doesn't want to go there earlier
and he still told me that there isn't much to shop over there
I finally knew why when he pointed to me that area
i bet he gonna kill me if he sees this post
so we ate vegetarian buffet for the night
and he wanted to find where's shear bridge
and reminisced the time he walked for the road march
but well i was very tireddddd
so i dragged him home
so we ended up eating fruits and talking to his mummy at his home
so that sums up saturday
so today i went to find my attachment place with my dad
since he offered to go with me
and its a good bonding time for both of us :)
it has been long since i went out with him alone
i realised that my attachment place is not only one building, its 4 buildings -.-
okay good luck to my legs
i think my gastro will hypertrophy further
anyway its around 15 minutes bus ride
but i think it will be worst inn the morning
so projected to be 30minutes bus ride
and the waiting time for bus is horrible
close to 15minutes?
so i guess i need to head out of house 1 hr earlier every day then
anyway all the best to me tomorrow when i see my supervisor
shall head out to study a little tomorrow then
tuition at night, once again!
Thanks for being such a wonderful boyfriend for the past 11 months!
Although I have some weird principles every now and then, I'm glad we still going well.
Thanks for giving me enough room to do what i like and almost always give in to my unreasonable requests. (note: almost =p)
I know it has been hard for you to tolerate my temper, but i guess you are getting used to it =p
Anyway looking forward to our 12th month celebration! :)