Firstly a big thank you for everyone who wished me a happy birthday in whatever form they managed yesterday. Whether it was IMs, on here, or other means, it was truly appreciated and I thank you! In addition, thank you in advance for anyone who puts the happy birthday on this post. Don't apologize for missing it, I know you all have busy schedules and / or cant keep track of everyones birthdays (I know for sure that I cant). So thank you to all of you :)
Secondly, a big thanks for
zachary_geminus for giving me a nudge and reminding me to write in here, and also a big hug for him since I know he's going through quite a bit lately. Here's to hoping your situation gets better, and you can find some resolve through it all.
Thirdly, and in my life, most importantly, I have a real freaking 9-5 job. Well, 9-5:30 if you wanna be technical about it. I'm working for a tight knit Web firm that does design / development for any number of clients, including quite a few photo / modeling promotions. It's right here in Rochester and my boss is willing to keep me on for co-op experience as a freelancer (for the time being), and then hopefully once that's all done I'd be hired full-time (which is both of our hopes). Adjusting my sleep schedule is gonna be rough this first week, but I think it will get better as my body starts randomly shutting down on me in the late afternoon and telling me I need to sleep earlier.
Oh, and lastly, thank you Spring for finally showing up. I was getting sick of that Winter fellow.