Old Friend

Apr 11, 2008 23:24

Ray called me out of the blue today to tell me he quit LAPD.  Surprising news to me considering that was the career he's always wanted. I asked him why and the reason he gave me was that he just didn't want to spend the rest of his life dealing with the scum of the earth.  I can't say I'm bummed at all about his decision because I totally understand where he's coming from. I don't see how anyone can truly be happy going to a job and having to deal with people on the streets trying to kill you and shoot you in the face. I mean I respect cops for what they do but I'm glad Ray's out of it. Its nice to have my old friend back and be able to hang out like old times. He says he just wants to have fun, enjoy life and not have to worry about other people's problems anymore. Which is true, if life is what you make it, you better sure as hell make it fucking great.

Also, promoters from 7 Samurai Records contacted Katsumi today. Kureha is confirmed to play Judo Chop on June 6th.  Rock n Roll!~ 
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